
Cases & Simulations

Len Greenhalgh has written dozens of cases and experiential exercises that are used by business schools, corporate training programs, and non-profit organizations all over the world. All of these copyrighted materials are published by and available through Creative Consensus, Inc.


Abbeyville School Systems
Catamount Ranch
Centerville Accounting Services
Collective Bargaining
Competitive Advertising
The Commodity Purchase
The Drug Testing Program
The Fee Letter Negotiation
The Ford SUV Product Line Task Force (co-author, Wanda Wallace, Duke)
The Ford Used Car System
The Jaguar XK8: Strategic Decision-Making within the Product-Mix Task Force
Johnny Alexander
Managing Upward/Managing Downward
Marvin Arms Corporation
Negotiating a Grade Change
Negotiating an Acquisition
The New Generation Aircraft: Strategic Relationships within the Global Air Transportation Value Chain
Northeast Consultants
Parkway Drug Corporation
Pegasus Airlines
The Performance Interview
The Porsche Task Force
The Real Estate Negotiation
The MBA Salary Negotiation
Sphynx Malls
Strategic Alliances: Selling to the Pentagon
Strategic Choices in Global Telecommunications
Strategic Diversification at Delta Airlines
Tahitian Grapefruits
Taking on BMW: Organizing to Achieve a Global Brand Strategy
The Assistant VP’s Performance Appraisal
Tuck Tower
The Used Car Transaction
Viking Investments