Research and Publications


  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Punam A. Keller. "Running a Customer-Focused Business." MBE Magazine, December, 2003.
  • Keller, Punam A., and Leonard Greenhalgh. "Customer-Focused Strategy." MBE Magazine, September 2003.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. "Reassessing Processes and Systems to Create a Lean and
  • Efficient Enterprise." MBE Magazine, 2003.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Roy J. Lewicki. “New Directions in Teaching Negotiations: From Walton and McKersie to the New Millennium.” In T. A. Kochan and D. B. Lipsky (Eds.), Negotiation and Change: From the Workplace to Society. Ithaca: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, 2003.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. "Downsizing: What Leaders Need to Know." Financial Times, November 25, 2002.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Managing Strategic Relationships: The Key to Business Success. New York: Free Press, 2001. Portuguese translation, Relacionamentos Estratégicos: A Chave do Sucesso nos Negócios. Sao Paulo, Brasil: Negócio Editora, 2002.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Ford CEO Jac Nasser on Transformational Change, e-Business, and Environmental Responsibility.” Academy of Management Executive, Volume 14(3), August, 2000, pp. 46-51.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Martin N. Davidson. “The Role of Emotion in Negotiation: The Impact of Anger and Race.” In R. Bies, R.J. Lewicki, and B.H. Sheppard (Eds.), Research on Negotiation in Organizations, Vol. 7, 1999, pp. 3-26.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Uniting Against the Enemy Without.” Financial Times series on “Mastering Global Business” Part 6, March 1998, pp. 10-12.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. “Negotiator Relationships: Construct Measurement, and Demonstration of Their Impact on the Process and Outcomes of Business Transactions.” Group Decision and Negotiation, 1998, Vol. 7, pp. 465-489.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Roxanne L. Okun. “Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.” In Encyclopedia of Mental Health, Volume 2 (Howard S. Friedman, Ed.) San Diego: Academic Press, 1998, pp. 759-773.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. “Relationships Between Disputants: An Analysis of their Characteristics and Impact.” In Sandra A. Gleason (Ed.), Frontiers in Dispute Resolution and Human Resources. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 1997, pp. 203-229.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Roderick W. Gilkey. “Clinical Assessment Methods in Negotiation Research: The Study of Narcissism and Negotiator Effectiveness.” Group Decision and Negotiation, 1997, vol. 6, pp. 287-314.
  • Wolfe, Richard, Janice M. Beyer, Robert T. Blackburn, Leonard Greenhalgh, Praveen Nayyar, and Anju Seth. “Rethinking the Tenure Process: The Influences and Consequences of Power and Culture.” Journal of Management Inquiry, 1996, vol. 5, pp. 221-236.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Competition in a Collaborative Context: Toward a New Paradigm.” In Research on Negotiation in Organizations. Volume 5. (Roy J. Lewicki, Blair H. Sheppard, and Robert Bies, Eds.) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1995, pp. 249-269.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. “Joint Decision-Making: The Inseparability of Relationships and Negotiation.” In Negotiation as a Social Process (Roderick M. Kramer and David M. Messick, Eds.) Sage Publications, 1995, pp. 166-185.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Roderick W. Gilkey. “Effects of Relationship-Orientation on Negotiators’ Cognitions and Tactics.” Group Decision and Negotiation, 1993, vol. 2, pp. 167-178.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Organizational Coping Strategies.” Chapter 9 in Job Insecurity: Coping with Jobs at Risk (Jean Hartley, Bert Klandermans, and Dan Jacobson, Eds.), London: Sage Publications, 1991, pp. 172-198.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Robert I. Sutton. “Organizational Effectiveness and Job Insecurity.” Chapter 8 in Job Insecurity: Coping with Jobs at Risk (Jean Hartley, Bert Klandermans, and Dan Jacobson, Eds.), London: Sage Publications, 1991, pp. 151-171.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Roderick M. Kramer. “Strategic Choice in Conflicts: The Importance of Relationships.” In Organizations and Nation States (Robert L. Kahn and Mayer N. Zald, Eds.), San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1990, pp. 181-220.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Todd D. Jick. “Survivor Sense Making and Reactions to Organizational Decline: Effects of Individual Differences.” Management Communication Quarterly 1989, vol. 2, pp. 305-327.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Anne T. Lawrence, and Robert I. Sutton. “The Determinants of Workforce Reduction Strategies in Declining Organizations.” Academy of Management Review, 1988, vol. 13(2), pp. 241-254.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “The Case against Winning in Negotiations.” Negotiation Journal, 1987, vol. 3, pp. 167-178. Reprinted in Power and Negotiation in Organizations: A Book of Readings. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt. Also reprinted in Understanding Negotiation. San Francisco: Anderson Publishing, 2001.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Interpersonal Conflicts in Organizations.” In International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Cary L. Cooper and Ivan T. Robertson, Eds.), Chichester, Sussex: Wiley, 1987, pp. 229-271.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Relationships in Negotiations.” Negotiation Journal, 1987, vol. 3, pp. 235-243.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Scott A. Neslin, and Roderick W. Gilkey. “The Effects of Negotiator Preferences, Situational Power, and Negotiator Personality on Outcomes of Business Negotiations.” Academy of Management Journal, 1985, vol. 28, pp. 9-33. Reprinted in Organizational Decline: Frameworks, Research and Perspectives (Kim S Cameron, Robert I. Sutton and David A. Whetten, Eds.) Boston: Ballinger, 1987.
  • Pelle, Denise, and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Developing the Performance Appraisal System.” Nursing Management, 1987, vol. 18(12), pp. 37-44.
  • Walsh, James P., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Age Based Status Group Membership and Bargaining Behavior.” Journal of Social Psychology, 1987, vol. 127, pp. 117-128.
  • Gilkey, Roderick W., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “The Role of Personality in Successful Negotiating.” Negotiation Journal, 1986, vol. 2, pp. 245-256. Reprinted in Power and Negotiation in Organizations: A Book of Readings. Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Managing Conflict.” Sloan Management Review, 1986, vol. 27(4), pp. 45-52. Winner of Beckhard Prize for best paper of the year. Reprinted in Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (Roy J. Lewicki, Joseph A. Litterer, David M. Saunders, and John W. Minton, Eds.) Burr Ridge, IL, Irwin, 1993.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Robert B. McKersie, and Roderick W. Gilkey. “Rebalancing the Work Force at IBM: A Case Study of Redeployment and Revitalization.” Organizational Dynamics, 1986, vol. 14, pp. 30-47.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Roderick W. Gilkey. “Our Game, Your Rules: Developing Effective Negotiating Approaches.” In Not as Far as You Think: The Realities of Working Women (Lynda L. Moore, Ed.), Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1986. Reprinted in Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases (Roy J. Lewicki, Joseph A. Litterer, David M. Saunders, and John W. Minton, Eds.) Burr Ridge, IL, Irwin, 1993. Also reprinted in Understanding Negotiation. (Melissa L. Nelken, Ed.) San Francisco: Anderson Publishing, 2001.
  • Neslin, Scott A., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Dyad-Level Testing of Nash’s Theory of Cooperative Games in a Buyer-Seller Context.” Management Science, 1986, vol. 32, pp. 480-498.
  • Brett, Jeanne M., Leonard Greenhalgh, Deborah Kolb, Roy J. Lewicki, and Blair H. Sheppard. The Manager as Negotiator and Dispute Resolver. Washington, D.C.: National Institute for Dispute Resolution, 1985.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Zehava Rosenblatt. “Job Insecurity: Toward Conceptual Clarity.” Academy of Management Review, 1984, vol. 9, pp. 438-448.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Managing the Job Insecurity Crisis.” Human ResourceManagement, 1983, vol. 22, pp. 431-444.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Organizational Decline.” In Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Volume 2 (Samuel B. Bacharach, Ed.), 1983, pp. 231-276.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Robert B. McKersie. “Cost Effectiveness in Alternative Strategies for Cutback Management.” Public Administration Review, 1980, vol. 40(6): pp. 575-584. Reprinted in Crisis and Constraint in Municipal Finance: Local Fiscal Prospects in a Period of Uncertainty (James H. Carr, Ed.), New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1983.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Scott A. Neslin. “Determining Outcomes of Negotiations: An Empirical Assessment.” In Negotiating in Organizations (Max H. Bazerman and Roy J. Lewicki, Eds.), Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983.
  • Neslin, Scott A., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Nash’s Theory of Cooperative Games as a Predictor of the Outcomes of Buyer-Seller Negotiations: An Experiment in MediaPurchasing.” Journal of Marketing Research, 1983, vol. 20, pp. 368-379.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Maintaining Organizational Effectiveness during Organizational Retrenchment.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Sciences, 1982, vol. 18(2): pp. 155-170.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Scott A. Neslin. “Conjoint Analysis of Negotiator Preferences.” Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1981, vol. 25(2), pp. 301-327.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Scott A. Neslin. “The Value of Conjoint Analysis in Enhancing Experiential Learning.” Journal of Experiential Learning and Simulation, 1981, vol. 3-4, pp. 173-l79.
  • McKersie, Robert B., Leonard Greenhalgh, and Todd D. Jick. “The CEC: Labor-Management Cooperation in New York.” Industrial Relations, 1981, vol. 20(2): pp. 212-220. Reprinted in Crisis and Constraint in Municipal Finance (James H. Carr, Ed.), New Brunswick, NJ: Center for Urban Policy Research, Rutgers University, 1984. Also reprinted as “Change and Continuity: The Role of a Labor-Management Committee in Facilitating Work Force Change During Retrenchment,” in Public Sector Labor Relations (David Lewin, Peter Feuille, and Thomas A. Kochan, Eds.), Sun Lakes, AZ: Horton, 1981.
  • Rosen, Ned, Leonard Greenhalgh, and John C. Anderson. “The Cognitive Structure of Industrial/Labor Relationships.” International Review of Applied Psychology, 1981, vol. 30: pp. 217-233.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “A Process Model of Organizational Turnover: The Relationship with Job Security as a Case in Point.” Academy of Management Review, 1980, vol. 5(2): pp. 299-303.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Managing Retrenchment in a Period of Business Decline.” Tuck Today, 1980, vol. 10: pp. 2-4.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Robert B. McKersie. “Reduction in Force: Cost Effectiveness of Alternative Strategies.” In Charles H. Levine (Ed.), Managing Fiscal Stress: A Reader in Cutback Management, Chatham NJ: Chatham House, 1980.
  • Greenhalgh. Leonard. “Protecting the Handicapped from Employment Discrimination: The Job-Relatedness and Bona Fide Occupational Qualification Doctrines.” Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 1979, vol. 3(2): pp. 75 ff.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Simulating an On-Going Organization.” Exchange, 1979, vol. 4(3): pp. 23-27. Wasmuth, William J., and Leonard Greenhalgh. Effective Supervision. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1979.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “Trends in the Unionization of Staff Members of Rehabilitation Workshops.” Journal of Rehabilitation Administration, 1978, vol. 2(2): pp. 10-15.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. “The Evaluation of Assessment Centers.” Cornell Journal of Social Relations, 1976, vol. 12, pp. 177-190.
  • Milkovich, George T., John C. Anderson and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Careers in Organizations: Organizational and Individual Determinants.” In Careers in Organizations (Lee Dyer, Ed.), Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1976.
  • deLodzia, George R., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Recognizing Change and Conflict in a Nursing Environment.” Supervisor Nurse, 1973, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 14-25.
  • deLodzia, George R., and Leonard Greenhalgh. “Creative Conflict Management in a Nursing Environment.” Supervisor Nurse, 1973, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. 33-41.


  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. A Cost-Benefit Balance Sheet for Evaluating Layoffs as a Strategy. Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1978.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Todd D. Jick. The Closing of Urban State Agencies: Impact of Employee Attitudes, Perceptions, Careers, and Economic Security. Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1978.
  • Jick, Todd D., and Leonard Greenhalgh. The Relocation of Rural Hospital Unit: The Impact of Rumors and Ambiguity on Employees. Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1978.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Unionization of Staff Members of Rehabilitation Workshops. Ithaca, NY: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, 1977.
  • Major contributor to Dynamics of Supervision by William J. Wasmuth and George R. deLodzia. Columbus, OH: Grid, Inc., 1974.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Job Insecurity and the Disinvolvement Syndrome: An Exploration of Patterns of Worker Behavior Under Conditions of Anticipatory Grieving Over Job Loss. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 1979.


  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. Managing Conflicts in 21st Century Organizations: The Commonwealth Principle. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on Advances in Management, Lincoln, UK, July 1998.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Joanne Martin, and Gretchen Spreitzer. Communal Models of Organizations: An Alternative to Traditional Hierarchical Models. Symposium presented at the 1998 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Power and Political Dynamics of the Tenure System. Paper presented at the 1995 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. Interdependence in Joint Decision-Making: Negotiator Relationships. Paper presented at the 1993 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Deborah I. Chapman, and Scott A. Neslin. The Effect of Working Relationships on the Process and Outcomes of Negotiations. Paper presented at the 1992 Annual meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Deborah I. Chapman. The Influence of Perspective-Taking and Negotiator Relationships on Integrative Bargaining. Paper presented at the 1992 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Las Vegas.
  • Chapman, Deborah I., Leonard Greenhalgh, and Roderick W. Gilkey. Effects of Sex Role Differences on Working Relationships and Business Transactions. Paper presented at the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Miami.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Conflict Avoidance as a Personality Trait. Paper presented at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Francisco.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Relationships over Time, and Negotiations: Lessons from Abroad. Paper presented at the 1987 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Anne T. Lawrence, and Robert I. Sutton. The Determinants of Workforce Reduction Strategies in Declining Organizations: A Framework for Analysis. Paper presented at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago.
  • Walsh, James P., Leonard Greenhalgh, and Marita Fairfield. Effects of Age-Based Status Group Membership on Bargaining Behavior. Paper presented at the 1986 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Robert B. McKersie, and Roderick W. Gilkey. Successful Adaptation to a Turbulent Environment: Organizational Change at IBM. Paper presented at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. The Relationship between Work-Situation Characteristics and Union-Organizing Activity among Registered Nurses. Paper presented at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Job Insecurity and Disinvolvement: Field Research on the of Management, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. A Diagnostic Model for Conflict Management. Paper presented at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Organizational Decline as Maladaptation to an Environmental Niche: Effects of Efficiency and Innovation. Paper presented at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Roxanne L. Okun. The Realistic Construction of Job Preview Material. Paper presented at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Denise Pelle. The Causes and Consequences of Professional Burnout. Paper presented at the 1984 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Roxanne L. Okun. Toward Progress in Job Design Research: Empirically-Derived Work-Situation Characteristics. Paper presented at the 1984 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto.
  • Gilkey, Roderick W. and Leonard Greenhalgh. Developing Effective Negotiation Approaches among Professional Women in Organizations. Paper presented at the Third Annual Conference on Women and Organizations, Simmons College, Boston, August, 1984.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, Roderick W. Gilkey, and Scott A. Neslin. Effects of Personality, Skill and Tactics on Outcomes of Negotiations. Paper presented at the 1983 Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Karen J. Adler. The Organizational Careers of Nurses: A Method of Analyzing the Patterns and Determinants of Inter-Unit Transfers. Paper presented at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas. Published in the Proceedings.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Todd D. Jick. Organizational Communication During Retrenchment: Complications Arising from Individual Differences in Sense-Making. Paper presented at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Carla K. Schneiderman. The Demography of Nurse Staffing Effects of Urban-Rural Differences in Socialization and Training on Job Choice and Job Attitudes. Paper presented at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Dallas.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Karen J. Adler. Workplace Personal Constructs, Salience of Job Characteristics, and Transfer Behavior. Paper presented at the 1982 American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Scott A. Neslin. The Value of Conjoint Analysis in Enhancing Experiential Learning. Won best paper award at the 1982 Annual Conference of the Association for Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, Phoenix, AZ. Published in the Proceedings, Development in Business Simulation and Experiential Exercises, Vol. 9 (David J. Fritzche and Lee A. Graf, Eds.).
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and John M. Kaestle. Severance Pay in the Public Sector. Paper presented at the 1981 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego. Nominated for Public Sector Division Best Paper Award.
  • Jick, Todd D. and Leonard Greenhalgh. Information Processing of New Recruits in a Declining Organization. Paper presented at the 1981 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Scott A. Neslin. The Application of Conjoint Analysis to Collective Bargaining Problems. Paper presented at the 1980 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Detroit.
  • Jick, Todd, D. and Leonard Greenhalgh. Realistic Job Previews: A Reconceptualization. Paper presented at the 1980 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Detroit.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Guiding Metaphors, Communication, and Behavior. Paper presented at the 1979 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Todd D. Jick. The Relationship between Job Insecurity and Turnover, and Its Differential Effects on Employee Quality Level. Paper presented at the 1979 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta.


  • Greenhalgh, Leonard, and Martin N. Davidson, The Role of Emotion in Negotiation: The Impact of Anger and Race. Paper presented at the 1998 semi-annual Conference on Research on Negotiation in Organizations, held at Duke University, April.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Deborah I. Chapman. Joint Decision Making: The Inseparability of Relationships and Negotiation. Paper presented at the Stanford Conference on the Social Context of Negotiation, March, 1994.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. The Emerging Study of Relationships between Negotiators. Paper presented at the 1993 Fifth Annual Negotiation Conference, Georgetown University.
  • Neslin, Scott A. and Leonard Greenhalgh. The Role of Situational Factors in Determining Negotiated Outcomes. Paper presented at the 1985 TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Assessment of Nurses’ Work-Situation Characteristics: The Dartmouth Nursing Inventory. Paper presented at the 1983 Nursing Research Network Meeting, Boston.
  • Neslin, Scott A. and Leonard Greenhalgh. The Effects of Preferences, Situational Power, and Personality on the Outcomes of Buyer-Seller Negotiations. Paper presented at the 1983 ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, Orlando, FL.
  • Gilkey, Roderick W. and Leonard Greenhalgh. A Psychodynamic Approach to Negotiation Behavior. Paper presented at the l983 Cornell Symposium on the Psychodynamics of Organizational Behavior and Experience, New York.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard and Scott A. Neslin. The Importance of Negotiator Preferences in Predicting the Outcomes of Bargaining. Paper presented at the Boston University Conference on New Perspectives on Negotiations in Organizational Settings, North Negotiating in Organizations. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1983, pp. 114-134.
  • Jick, Todd D., Robert B. McKersie and Leonard Greenhalgh. A Process Analysis of
  • Labor-Management Committee Problem Solving. Paper presented at the 1982 Annual Meeting of the Industrial Relations Research Association, New York. Published in the Proceedings.
  • Neslin, Scott A. and Leonard Greenhalgh. The Use of Conjoint Analysis to Test Nash’s Theory of Bargaining in a Marketing Context. Paper presented at the 1982 ORSA/TIMS Joint National Meeting, San Diego.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Use of the Case Method to Teach Quantitative Techniques to ‘Non-Quantitative Types’. Paper presented at the 1979 Eastern Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Newport.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Strategies for Reduction in Force. Paper presented at the 1979 Regional Conference of the International Personnel Management Association, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. When Staff Members Try to Unionize. Paper presented at the1977 Annual Conference of the Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Gulliver Visits the University. Paper presented at the 1973 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Political Training: A New Perspective for Approaching Organizational Problems. Paper presented to the American Society of Training and Development, Boston, May 1974.


  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Review of The Invisible War: Pursuing Self-Interests at Work by Samuel Culbert and John J. McDonough. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1981, vol. 26: pp. 639-641.
  • Greenhalgh, Leonard. Review of Personnel Managers: A Study in the Sociology of Work and Employment by Tony J. Watson. Administrative Science Quarterly, 1979, vol. 24: pp. 507-510.