Capital Structure and Financing
With E. Giambina and A. Kumar, “Hedging, Contract Enforceability and Competition .” Conditional acceptance, Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming 2025. With B. Larrain, G. Sertsios, and F. Urzúa I., "The Effects of Going Public on Firm Profitability and Strategy ," Conditional acceptance, , Review of Financial Studies, forthcoming 2025. With V. Maksimovic and L. Yang, Do IPO firms become Myopic? , Review of Finance , Volume 27, Issue 3, May 2023, Pages 765–807, https://doi.org/10.1093/rof/rfac054
With R. Nanda, Small Firm Financing: Sources, Frictions, and Policy Implications , forthcoming Handbook of the Economics of Corporate Finance: Private Equity and Entrepreneurial Finance, 2022, editors: Espen Eckbo, Gordon Phillips and Morten Sorensen, Elsevier.
With V. Maksimovic and L Yang, “Are Public Firms Really Myopic? Evidence from Matching IPO Firms at Birth ,” 2019
With J. Bai and D. Carvalho, "The Impact of Bank Credit on Labor Reallocation and Aggregate Industry Productivity ," Journal of Finance, Vol 73:6,, 2018, pp. 2787-2836.
With V. Maksimovic and L. Yang, "Do Public Firms Respond to Industry Opportunities More than Private Firms? The Impact of Initial Firm Quality ," 2018
"Finance and Industrial Organization ," current issues that are explored in a PhD course taught by Gordon M. Phillips at USC, HEC Paris, Insead, Vienna, Australian Finance Research Network, and the Nordic Finance Network
With G. Sertsios, "Financing and New Product Decisions of Private and Publicly Traded Firms ," Forthcoming: Review of Financial Studies , 2017
With K. Herkenhoff and E. Cohen-Cole, "How Credit Constraints Impact Job Finding Rates, Sorting & Aggregate Output ," 2016
With K. Herkenhoff and E. Cohen-Cole, "The Impact of Consumer Credit Access on Employment, Earnings and Entrepreneurship ," 2017
With S.K. Moon, "Outsourcing through Purchase Contracts and Firm Capital Structure ," working paper, 2014
With G. Sertsios, "How Do Firm Financial Conditions Affect Product Quality and Pricing? " Management Science , 59(8), 2013
With A. Gomes, "Why do Public Firms Issue Private and Public Securities? " Journal of Financial Intermediation , 21(4), 2012
With Peter MacKay, "How Does Industry Affect Firm Financial Structure? " Review of Financial Studies ,18(4), 2005
With V. Maksimovic, "Asset Efficiency and Reallocation Decisions of Bankrupt Firms ," Journal of Finance , 5, 1998
With D. Kovenock, "Capital Structure and Product Market Behavior: An Examination of Plant Closing and Investment Decisions ," Review of Financial Studies , 10(3), 1997
With D. Kovenock, "Capital Structure and Product Market Rivalry: How do We Reconcile the Theory and the Evidence ," American Economic Review , 85, 1995
"Increased Debt and Industry Product Markets: An Empirical Analysis , Journal of Financial Economics , 37, 1995