Academic Conference

October 10-11, 2024
Tuck School of Business
Dartmouth College

Following 11 successful FOM conferences, we are hosting the 12th FOM conference at Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College on October 10-11, 2024. Papers on all topics covered by FOM will be enthusiastically considered. Our research review committee will organize this year's conference.

The link to submit is:

Submission Deadline: July 15, 2024

The conference will continue to include a broad range of topics in corporate finance and organizations: including finance and the industrial organization of markets, theory of the firm, incentives, mergers and restructuring, innovation, entrepreneurship, financial policies, political economy, and private equity.

Our research committee includes Heitor Almeida (Illinois), Scott Baker (Northwestern), Murillo Campello (Cornell), Tony Cookson (Colorado), Espen Eckbo (Dartmouth), Michael Ewens (Columbia), Murray Frank (Minnesota), Laurent Fresard (SFI Lugano), Franz Hinzen (Dartmouth), Jerry Hoberg (USC), Naveen Khanna (Michigan State), Arthur Korteweg (USC), Katharina Lewellen (Dartmouth), Evgeny Lyandres (Tel Aviv University), Song Ma (Yale), Vojislav Maksimovic (Maryland), Nadya Malenko (Michigan), David Matsa (Northwestern), Gordon Phillips (Dartmouth), NR Prabhala (Johns Hopkins), Giorgo Sertsios (Wisconsin Milwaukee), Morten Sorensen (Dartmouth), Kelly Shue (Yale), Chad Syverson (Chicago), Shawn Thomas (Pittsburgh), and Eric Zwick (Chicago).

Visit the conference website.

Previous Conferences

2022 FOM Conference

2021 FOM Conference

2020 FOM Conference

2019 FOM Conference

2018 FOM Conference

2017 FOM Conference

2016 FOM Conference

2015 FOM Conference

2014 FOM Conference

2013 FOM Conference