Golder, Peter N., Debanjan Mitra, and Christine Moorman (2012), “What is Quality? An Integrative Framework of Processes and States,” Journal of Marketing, 76 (July), 1-23.
Mitra, Debanjan and Peter N. Golder (2008), “Does Academic Research Help or Hurt MBA Programs?” Journal of Marketing, 72 (September), 31-49. Selected by JM Editor as single article from issue to feature on JM Blog Basis of our article in Financial Times (see Other Publications) Basis of our article in BusinessWeek online (see Other Publications) Featured on The Chronicle of Higher Education News Blog
Mitra, Debanjan and Peter N. Golder (2006), “How Does Objective Quality Affect Perceived Quality? Short-Term Effects, Long-Term Effects, and Asymmetries,” Marketing Science, 25 (3), 230-247. Robert D. Buzzell Best Paper Award from Marketing Science Institute (2007) Finalist, John D. C. Little Award for Best Paper in Marketing Science (2007) Finalist, Frank M. Bass Award for Best Dissertation-based paper in Marketing Science (2007) Featured in Handelsblatt, a top German economics and business periodical Featured in Insights from MSI (Marketing Science Institute) Reprinted in ICFAI’s Journal of Brand Management
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (2004), “Growing, Growing, Gone: Cascades, Diffusion, and Turning Points in the Product Life Cycle,” Marketing Science, 2, 207-218. Best Paper Award, American Marketing Association Technology and Innovation Group (2005) Also published in the Marketing Science Institute working paper series and featured in their periodical, Insights from MSI
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (1997), “Will It Ever Fly? Modeling the Takeoff of Really New Consumer Durables,” Marketing Science, 3, 256-270. Frank M. Bass Award (1998) for best paper in Marketing Science or Management Science based on a marketing doctoral dissertation Featured in The Wall Street Journal (front page) Published in the Marketing Science Institute working paper series
Tellis, Gerard J. and Peter N. Golder (1996), “First to Market, First to Fail? Real Causes of Enduring Market Leadership,” Sloan Management Review, (Winter), 65-75. Featured in The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, The Los Angeles Times, WirtschaftsWoche (German business magazine) and Harvard Management Update Reprinted in Harvard Business Manager Invited keynote presentation at the Conference Board’s 1996 Marketing Conference
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (1993), "Pioneer Advantage: Marketing Logic or Marketing Legend?" Journal of Marketing Research, (May), 158-170. William F. O’Dell Award (1998) for long-term contribution to the marketing discipline Findings referenced in Wall Street Journal op-ed article
Golder, Peter (2010), “First-mover (pioneer) advantage,” in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Jagdeth Sheth and Naresh Malhotra, editors, in Volume 1, Marketing Strategy, Robert Peterson and Roger Kerin, editors, John Wiley & Sons Limited, forthcoming.
Golder, Peter (2010), “Later mover (nonpioneer) advantage,” in Wiley International Encyclopedia of , Jagdeth Sheth and Naresh Malhotra, editors, in Volume 1, Marketing Strategy, Robert Peterson and Roger Kerin, editors, John Wiley & Sons Limited, forthcoming.
Golder, Peter and Gerard Tellis (2010), “Product Life Cycle,” in Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Jagdeth Sheth and Naresh Malhotra, editors, in Volume 5, New Product Development, Barry Bayus, editor, John Wiley & Sons Limited, forthcoming.
Mitra, Debanjan and Peter N. Golder (2009), “Objective and Perceived Quality,” in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact, Dominique M. Hanssens, editor, Marketing Science Institute, 18.
Golder, Peter N. (2009), “Market Leadership,” in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact, Dominique M. Hanssens, editor, Marketing Science Institute, 21.
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (2009), “First-mover Advantage,” in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact, Dominique M. Hanssens, editor, Marketing Science Institute, 34.
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (2009), “Sales Takeoff,” in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact, Dominique M. Hanssens, editor, Marketing Science Institute, 39.
Golder, Peter N., Rachel Shacham, and Debanjan Mitra (2009), “Radical Innovations,” in Empirical Generalizations about Marketing Impact, Dominique M. Hanssens, editor, Marketing Science Institute, 42.
Golder, Peter N. and Debanjan Mitra (2008), “MBA Recruiters Value Academic Research,” BusinessWeek online, October 16.
Golder, Peter and Debanjan Mitra (2008), “Academic research is good for MBA students,” Financial Times, September 22.
Chandy, Rajesh K., Peter N. Golder, and Gerard J. Tellis (2004), “Historical Research in Marketing Strategy: Method, Myths, and Promise,” in Assessing Marketing Strategy Performance, Christine Moorman and Donald R. Lehmann, eds., Boston, MA: Marketing Science Institute.
Tellis, Gerard J. and Peter N. Golder (2002), Will and Vision: How Latecomers Grow to Dominate Markets, New York: McGraw-Hill. Winner of the Berry-AMA Book Prize for the best book in marketing (2003) Selected by Harvard Business Review as one of the top ten business books of 2001 Reviewed in Harvard Business Review (September 2001)
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (2001), “Competition is the Best Way to Regulate Microsoft,” Los Angeles Times, December 26.
Golder, Peter N. and Gerard J. Tellis (1992), "Do Pioneers Really Have Long-Term Advantages? A Historical Analysis," Marketing Science Institute Report Number 92-124, Boston, MA: Marketing Science Institute. Winner of Marketing Science Institute Best Paper of the Year Award