In the Media

Why Video May Be A Traveler's Secret Weapon To Better Customer Service

Apr 24, 2017 // Cites an Associated Press article that quotes Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, about how smartphone cameras and social media are democratizing information and shifting power to consumers.
View at Forbes

Phones and Social Media Turn Consumers Into Whistleblowers

Apr 13, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, about how smartphone cameras and social media are democratizing information and shifting power to consumers—preventing companies from sweeping complaints under the rug. "That's something a lot of companies just don't get," says Argenti.
View at The New York Times via Associated Press

'I’m Moving You to BCC'

Apr 13, 2017 // Paul Argenti offers an example on email etiquette when using the ‘BCC’ function and why it’s preferred in some instances.
View at The Atlantic

United Airlines Is Latest Company to Deal with Negative News

Apr 12, 2017 // An article about United Airlines’ response to a recent incident with a customer being physically removed from a flight references an op-ed written by Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, discussing the worse corporate communication blunders of 2014.
View at Voice of America

Uber Used Secret Tool, Extraordinary Measures to Sidestep Government Officials

Mar 03, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti regarding the high-profile issues that Uber has faced in recent weeks. “This is a really bad month. The number and kind of problems they have is an unusual array of bad luck and bad behavior combined,” says Argenti. He suggests the company could recover its momentum with better management.
View at The Washington Post

Are Strategic Communications in the C-Suite Working?

Feb 14, 2017 // Cites the working paper, “Strategic Communication in the C-Suite” by Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, which examines the ways C-suite executives use corporate communications to execute strategy.
View at Chief Investment Officer

The Perils of Refusing His Offer: The Downside of Having Special VIP Access to President Trump Is President Trump

Feb 10, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti about the risks CEOs face when they decide to publicly associate with national leaders such as President Trump.
View at Salon

Yahoo's Name Change Highlights Costly but (Sometimes) Effective Strategy

Jan 19, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communications, in an article about Yahoo's recent announcement that it plans to change its name once the sale to Verizon Communications is complete.
View at Corporate Counsel

Seventh Generation Says Corporate Buyout is a Chance to Take its Mission Global

Oct 26, 2016 // As a guest on "VPR News," Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, comments about Unilever’s recent acquisition of the natural homecare company Seventh Generation.
View at Vermont Public Radio

Pro: Samsung Can Survive Phone Crisis

Oct 11, 2016 // As a guest on CNBC's “Power Lunch,” Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, discusses Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 crisis and where the company stands in terms of damage control.
View at CNBC

Creating a One-Company Culture: Internal Strategy for External Success

Sep 19, 2016 // An opinion piece by Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, about how management can create a One-Company culture—aligning both self-interest and corporate self-interest.
View at The European Business Review

How We Talk About Corporate Responsibility

Sep 08, 2016 // n SiriusXM’s Dollars & Change, a program on Business Radio Powered by Wharton, Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, discusses corporate responsibility trends and research.
View at Dollars & Change

Corporate Ethics in the Era of Millennials

Aug 24, 2016 // An opinion piece by Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, about how millennials are choosing to spend their resources—be it time or money—on organizations that are investing in corporate social responsibility.
View at NPR

Gun Brutality Emboldens CEOs to Speak out about Race

Jul 09, 2016 // Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, is quoted in an article about CEOs sharing their thoughts on social media following the fatal shootings of two black men and five police officers last week.
View at The Washington Post

Elon Musk Overstepping His Bounds?

Jul 06, 2016 // As a guest on CNBC’s Closing Bell, Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, discusses Elon Musk's response to Tesla's fatal autopilot-related crash.
View at CNBC

Mark Zuckerberg Approves Re-Election of Trump-Loving, Gawker-Bankrupting Billionaire to Facebook's Board

Jun 20, 2016 // Quotes Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communications, about how Mark Zuckerberg recently allowed the re-election of billionaire Peter Thiel to the company's board of directors at an annual shareholder meeting, despite revelations in recent weeks about Thiel's legal efforts to destroy Gawker.
View at Mashable

Big Automakers vs. Disruptors

Jun 03, 2016 // As a guest on CNBC's Power Lunch, Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communications, discusses management issues in the auto industry as companies like Uber and Tesla are disrupting the sector.
View at CNBC

Here's how Twitter turns trolls into celebrities—and celebrities like Kanye, Trump and Martin Shkreli into trolls

Mar 21, 2016 // Paul Argenti contributes to an article about how the use of Twitter has shifted over the past ten years, allowing ordinary people to find fame and hold on to it in a way that is shaping our culture. "Everybody can be a media company. Anyone can control the flow of information. You can interact with people you otherwise
View at Mashable

CEOs oppose Ga. push to let faith-based groups refuse certain services

Mar 21, 2016 // Paul Argenti comments on how companies that voice support for gay rights tend to look after employees’ rights. “I think it’s kind of a no-brainer. You most likely have a non-discrimination policy in place, why wouldn’t you support it publicly by acting in favor of what most people would agree to anyway?”
View at Washington Post

Where tech leaders stand on the Apple vs. FBI debate

Feb 24, 2016 // Paul Argenti on how the tech industry ranks highest among its peers in the Edelman Trust Barometer, a global survey of consumer opinion. As a result, in response to Bill Gates weighing in on the debate that's erupted between Apple and the FBI over user privacy, he said they have more to protect by speaking out.
View at Washington Post