In the Media

Facebook Crisis-Management Lesson: What Not to Do

Mar 21, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about how Facebook handled news that a political consulting firm may have used data improperly obtained from approximately 50 million Facebook users. Argenti says CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s five-day silence on the issue has damaged Facebook’s image.
View at The Wall Street Journal

A Clamor Grows over Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg’s Public Silence About Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica Crisis

Mar 20, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about the silence of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, prior to his media appearances Wednesday, following news that a data analytics firm improperly accessed Facebook user data.
View at The Washington Post

Goldman Sachs' investment in a gun retailer puts it in an awkward position

Mar 03, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Goldman Sachs’ ties to Bass Pro Shops, one of the largest retailers of guns in the United States. Many are calling for the investment bank to cut ties with the retailer, which Argenti says is a sign of the current business climate.
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Corporations only break with the gun industry when it’s cheap and easy

Mar 01, 2018 // References insights by Paul Argenti in an article arguing that businesses—such as Delta, Hertz, and Dick’s Sporting Goods—that recently cut ties with the NRA or opted to stop selling assault-style rifles aren’t engaging in shareholder activism or corporate social responsibility, but merely normal business practices.
View at The Washington Post

Walmart Is the Latest Example of a Company Doing What Politicians Won't on Gun Control

Feb 28, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Walmart's and Dick’s Sporting Goods’ decisions to stop selling firearms or ammunition to customers under the age of 21.
View at Time

Bill and Melinda Gates Hear You

Feb 16, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in continued coverage of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s decision to be more transparent, starting with its 2018 annual letter. Argenti says opting to be transparent comes with consequences—both good and bad. “If you set yourself as the good guy, the good news is people respect that,” he says.
View at The Washington Post

Bill and Melinda Gates Take on Tough Questions about Their Giving

Feb 13, 2018 // Continued coverage of comments by Paul Argenti regarding how businesses should approach transparency. Argenti says that if organizations choose to be more transparent, they must be ready for the response from consumers.
View at San Francisco Chronicle

Bill and Melinda Gates take on tough questions about their giving

Feb 13, 2018 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about the potential risks organizations face when they openly respond to difficult questions, such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation did with its letter this year titled “10 Tough Questions We Get Asked.”
View at The Washington Post

Dealing with Email Fears

Dec 12, 2017 // Features tips for better handling email from Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication. To read the article in English, use Google Translate or contact Tuck Communications.
View at Báo Diễn Đàn Doanh Nghiệp

American Airlines Vows to Take Steps against Racial Bias

Dec 01, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about steps American Airlines is taking in response to passenger complaints regarding racially biased treatment.
View at Associated Press

American Airlines Vows to Take Steps Against Racial Bias

Nov 30, 2017 // Features Paul Argenti in continued coverage of his comments regarding steps American Airlines is taking to combat racially biased treatment after the NAACP issued a “travel advisory” against the company in October.
View at ABC News

Balancing Act: Companies Keep an Eye on the ‘Triple Bottom Line’

Nov 27, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about companies pursuing the “triple bottom line” business strategy, which focuses on the impact a business has on the environment and society, as well as its finances.
View at Enterprise

Macy's suffers credit card payment glitch at the worst possible time: Black Friday

Nov 24, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about issues Macy’s had with its credit card systems on Black Friday. Argenti says that even though the issues were resolved by Friday evening, the experience may turn customers off to the retailer throughout the holiday shopping season.
View at CNBC

Five-Star Troubles: Will Saudi Prince Keep His Grip on Four Seasons?

Nov 09, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about the affect Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s recent arrest could have on Four Seasons Hotels Inc., of which Alwaleed is a part owner. Argenti says the Four Seasons brand is strong enough to weather the controversy.
View at The Globe and Mail

The Value of Strategic Communications

Nov 02, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article regarding new trends in strategic communications, like a shift in the control of information from business leaders to communities.
View at Public Relations Society of America

Vegas Rebranding Shows Difficulty of Messaging after Tragedy

Oct 22, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti, professor of corporate communication, in an article about the difficulties of messaging after tragic events, a situation Las Vegas finds itself in following the mass shooting on October 1. Argenti says organizations need to carefully consider messaging or risk consequential mistakes. "It's a little
View at The New York Times

Stop Letting Email Control Your Work Day

Sep 07, 2017 // Professor of corporate communication Paul Argenti shares his ideas on how to re-frame email and make it a tool that works for us, instead of a nuisance that dominates our time. “There was a time when emails were exciting. The inbox was novel, the phrase ‘you’ve got mail’ thrilled and delighted. No longer,” he writes. “
View at Harvard Business Review

4 CEOs Have Now Left Trump’s Business Council

Aug 15, 2017 // Paul Argenti talks with NPR about CEOs that removed themselves from President Trump’s business council following the events in Charlottesville. Argenti explains that millennials are concerned about ethics and responsibility in ways previous generations haven’t been, and that CEOs need to heed that fact.
View at NPR

Monsanto Employee Emails Show Efforts to Marshal Scientists

Aug 03, 2017 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about Monsanto’s efforts to marshal scientists in defense of its product and combat research at odds with its own. “The unfortunate reality is that if you are sponsoring research, you are immediately creating credibility problems,” Argenti says.
View at The Wall Street Journal

Uber's CEO is under fire. Can he hold onto his job?

Jun 09, 2017 // Paul Argenti opines, "If Kalanick really wants to save the company, he has to get himself out. It's a fantastic organization with a tremendous idea and bad leadership."
View at CNN