Research & Publications


  • L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove, (2005) “Market Segmentation and Technology Selection for Remanufacturable Products” Management Science, 51(8), 1193-1205.
  • L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove (2006), “Life Cycle Dynamics for Portfolios with Remanufactured Products” Production and Operations Management, 15(4), 498-513.
  • L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove, (2008) “Queuing for Expert Services” Management Science, 54(8), 1497-1512.
    C. Li and L.G. Debo, (2009) “Second Sourcing vs. Sole Sourcing with Capacity Investment and Asymmetric Information” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11(9), 448-470.
  • S. Veraaraghavan and L.G. Debo, (2009) “Joining Longer Queues: Information Externalities in Queue Choice” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11(4), 543-562. (lead article, finalist for MSOM Best Paper Award, June 2012)
  • G. Lai, L.G. Debo and K. Sycara, (2009) “Sharing Inventory Risk in Supply Chain: the Implication of Financial Constraint” Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 37 (1), 811-825.
  • G. Lai, L.G. Debo, and K. Sycara (2009), “Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 12(1), 33-55. “Erratum to: Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 12(2), 370.
  • C. Li and L.G. Debo (2009), “Strategic Dynamic Sourcing from Competing Suppliers: The Value of Commitment” Naval Research Logistics, 56(6), 540-562.
  • J. Sun, L.G. Debo, S. Kekre and J. Xie (2010), “Imitative Competition: Implications for Strategic Sourcing and Technology Transfer” Management Science, 56(3), 536-552.
  • Xiaofang Wang, Laurens G. Debo, Alan Scheller-Wolf and Stephen F. Smith, (2010) “Design and Analysis of Diagnostic Service Centers” Management Science, 56(11), 1873-1890. (lead article)
  • Guoming Lai, L.G. Debo, Lin Nan, (2010) “Manager Incentives for Channel Stuffing with Market-based Compensation” Management Science, 57(2), 332-346.
  • Veeraraghavan and L.G. Debo, “Herding in Queues with Waiting costs: Rationality and Regret” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13(3), 329-346.
  • Laurens G. Debo, C.A. Parlour and U. Rajan (2012), “Signaling Quality via Long Queues” Management Science 58(5), 876-891.
    X. Wang, L.G. Debo, Alan Scheller-Wolf and Stephen F. Smith, (2012) “Service Design at Diagnostic Service Centers” Naval Research Logistics, 59(8), 613-628.
  • L. G. Debo, S.K. Veeraraghavan, (2014) “Equilibrium in Queues under Unknown Service Rates and Service Value” Operations Research, 62(1), 38-57.
  • J. Sun, L.G. Debo, (2014) “Sustaining Long-Term Relationships Using Price-Only Contract” European Journal of Operational Research 233(3), 557-565.
  • M. Shunko, L. G. Debo, S. Gavirneni, (2014) “Transfer Pricing and Sourcing Strategies for Multinational Firms,” Production and Operations Management 23(12), 2043-2057 (lead article).
  • M. Kremer, L. G. Debo, (2016) “Inferring Quality from Wait Time” Management Science 62(10), 3023-3038.
  • M. Yu, L.G. Debo, R. Kapuscinski, (2016) “Strategic Waiting for Consumer-generated Quality Information: Dynamic Pricing of Experience Goods” Management Science 62(2):410-435.
  • X. Wang, L.G. Debo, and A. Scheller-Wolf, (2015) “Managing Nurse Lines—Practical Challenges and Developing Theory,” International Journal of Production Research 53(24): 7213-7225.
  • L. Yang, L.G. Debo and V. Gupta, (2017) Trading Time in a Congested Environment. Management Science 63(7), 2377-2395
  • L. Yang and L.G. Debo, (2018) “Invite Your Friend and You’ll Move up in Line: Leveraging Social Ties vis Operational Incentives” Management Science, 65(5), 2231-2248.
  • L. Yang, L.G. Debo, V. Gupta, (2018) “Search Among Queues under Quality Differentiation” Management Science 65(8), 3605-3623.
  • L. G. Debo, Uday Rajan and S.K. Veeraraghavan, (2020) “Signaling Quality via Long Lines and Uninformative Prices,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (May-June), 22(3), 513-527.
  • F. Tian, G. Sosic, L.G. Debo, (2018) “Manufacturers' Competition and Cooperation in Sustainability: Stable Recycling Alliances” Management Science 65(10), 4451-4949.
  • L.G. Debo and C. Li, (2017) “Optimal Design and Pricing of Discretionary Service Lines,” Forthcoming in Management Science.
  • F, Tian, G. Sosic and L.G. Debo, (2020), “Stable Recycling Networks under the Extended Producer Responsibility,” Forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research.
  • R. A. Shumsky and L. G. Debo, (2020) “What Safe Shopping Looks Like During a Pandemic,” Harvard Business Review online, July 24.
  • R. A. Shumsky, L. G. Debo, Rebecca M., Lebeaux, Quang P. Nguyen, and Anne G. Hoen, (2021) “Retail store customer flow and COVID-19 transmission,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 16, 118 (11) e2019225118.
  • E. Nadar, M. Akan, L.G. Debo and A. Scheller-Wolf, (2023) “Optimal Procurement in Remanufacturing Systems with Uncertain Used-Item Condition,” Operations Research, forthcoming.
  • N. Savva, L.G. Debo and R.A. Shumsky, (2023) “Hospital Reimbursement in the Presence of Cherry Picking and Upcoding,” Management Science, forthcoming.
  • S. Ansari, S. Iravani, L.G. Debo, (2023) “Scheduling Policies to Minimize Abandonment Costs in Infomercial Call Centers,” accepted for publication in IISE Transactions


  • L. G. Debo, G. van Ryzin, (2013) “Creating Sales with Stock-Outs” (formerly titled: “Consumer Search Behavior when the Product Quality is Uncertain”) ChicagoBooth Working Paper 09-25.
  • C. Jin, L.G. Debo, S. Iravani and M. Kremer and Seyed Iravani, (2017) “Observational Learning with Large Choice Sets - Crowds, Contrarians, and Congestion.” ChicagoBooth Working Paper, 15-8.
  • C. Jin, L.G. Debo and S. Iravani, (2017) “Observational Learning in Large-Scale Congested Service Systems,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper.
  • L.G. Debo and Ran I. Snitkvosky, (2018) "Tipping for Fast Service: The Role of a Social Norm,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper.
  • L.G. Debo, S. Ansari, L. Zhonghao, S. Irvani and R. Shumsky, “Optimal Delay Messages,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper
  • S. Ansari, L.G. Debo, M. Ibanez, S. Iravani, S. Malik, “Under-Promising and Over-Delivering to Improve Patient Satisfaction at Emergency Departments: Evidence from a Field Experiment Providing Wait Information,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper
  • R.I. Snitkovsky and L.G. Debo “A Modeling Framework for Tipping in the Presence of a Social Norm,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper


  • L.G. Debo and S. Veeraraghavan, “Models of herding behavior in operations management” in Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models, A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms edited by Netessine and Tang, edited by Serguei Netessine and Christopher Tang in the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science , Vol. 131 (2009).
  • L.G. Debo, R.C. Savaskan and L.N. Van Wassenhove, “Coordination in Closed Loop Supply Chains,” Reverse Logistics, Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, edited by Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Springer-Verlag, 2004, p. 295-311.
  • L.G. Debo and L.N. Van Wassenhove, “Tire Recovery: The RetreadCo Case.” Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, edited by Flapper, Simme D.P., van Nunen, Jo A.E.E., Van Wassenhove, Luk N., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, p. 119-128.