L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove, (2005) “Market Segmentation and Technology Selection for Remanufacturable Products” Management Science, 51(8), 1193-1205.
L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove (2006), “Life Cycle Dynamics for Portfolios with Remanufactured Products” Production and Operations Management, 15(4), 498-513.
L.G. Debo, L.B. Toktay and L.N. Van Wassenhove, (2008) “Queuing for Expert Services” Management Science, 54(8), 1497-1512. C. Li and L.G. Debo, (2009) “Second Sourcing vs. Sole Sourcing with Capacity Investment and Asymmetric Information” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11(9), 448-470.
S. Veraaraghavan and L.G. Debo, (2009) “Joining Longer Queues: Information Externalities in Queue Choice” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 11(4), 543-562. (lead article, finalist for MSOM Best Paper Award, June 2012)
G. Lai, L.G. Debo and K. Sycara, (2009) “Sharing Inventory Risk in Supply Chain: the Implication of Financial Constraint” Omega, the International Journal of Management Science, 37 (1), 811-825.
G. Lai, L.G. Debo, and K. Sycara (2009), “Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 12(1), 33-55. “Erratum to: Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 12(2), 370.
C. Li and L.G. Debo (2009), “Strategic Dynamic Sourcing from Competing Suppliers: The Value of Commitment” Naval Research Logistics, 56(6), 540-562.
J. Sun, L.G. Debo, S. Kekre and J. Xie (2010), “Imitative Competition: Implications for Strategic Sourcing and Technology Transfer” Management Science, 56(3), 536-552.
Xiaofang Wang, Laurens G. Debo, Alan Scheller-Wolf and Stephen F. Smith, (2010) “Design and Analysis of Diagnostic Service Centers” Management Science, 56(11), 1873-1890. (lead article)
Guoming Lai, L.G. Debo, Lin Nan, (2010) “Manager Incentives for Channel Stuffing with Market-based Compensation” Management Science, 57(2), 332-346.
Veeraraghavan and L.G. Debo, “Herding in Queues with Waiting costs: Rationality and Regret” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 13(3), 329-346.
Laurens G. Debo, C.A. Parlour and U. Rajan (2012), “Signaling Quality via Long Queues” Management Science 58(5), 876-891. X. Wang, L.G. Debo, Alan Scheller-Wolf and Stephen F. Smith, (2012) “Service Design at Diagnostic Service Centers” Naval Research Logistics, 59(8), 613-628.
L. G. Debo, S.K. Veeraraghavan, (2014) “Equilibrium in Queues under Unknown Service Rates and Service Value” Operations Research, 62(1), 38-57.
J. Sun, L.G. Debo, (2014) “Sustaining Long-Term Relationships Using Price-Only Contract” European Journal of Operational Research 233(3), 557-565.
M. Shunko, L. G. Debo, S. Gavirneni, (2014) “Transfer Pricing and Sourcing Strategies for Multinational Firms,” Production and Operations Management 23(12), 2043-2057 (lead article).
M. Kremer, L. G. Debo, (2016) “Inferring Quality from Wait Time” Management Science 62(10), 3023-3038.
M. Yu, L.G. Debo, R. Kapuscinski, (2016) “Strategic Waiting for Consumer-generated Quality Information: Dynamic Pricing of Experience Goods” Management Science 62(2):410-435.
X. Wang, L.G. Debo, and A. Scheller-Wolf, (2015) “Managing Nurse Lines—Practical Challenges and Developing Theory,” International Journal of Production Research 53(24): 7213-7225.
L. Yang, L.G. Debo and V. Gupta, (2017) Trading Time in a Congested Environment. Management Science 63(7), 2377-2395
L. Yang and L.G. Debo, (2018) “Invite Your Friend and You’ll Move up in Line: Leveraging Social Ties vis Operational Incentives” Management Science, 65(5), 2231-2248.
L. Yang, L.G. Debo, V. Gupta, (2018) “Search Among Queues under Quality Differentiation” Management Science 65(8), 3605-3623.
L. G. Debo, Uday Rajan and S.K. Veeraraghavan, (2020) “Signaling Quality via Long Lines and Uninformative Prices,” Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (May-June), 22(3), 513-527.
F. Tian, G. Sosic, L.G. Debo, (2018) “Manufacturers' Competition and Cooperation in Sustainability: Stable Recycling Alliances” Management Science 65(10), 4451-4949.
L.G. Debo and C. Li, (2017) “Optimal Design and Pricing of Discretionary Service Lines,” Forthcoming in Management Science.
F, Tian, G. Sosic and L.G. Debo, (2020), “Stable Recycling Networks under the Extended Producer Responsibility,” Forthcoming in European Journal of Operational Research.
R. A. Shumsky and L. G. Debo, (2020) “What Safe Shopping Looks Like During a Pandemic,” Harvard Business Review online, July 24.
R. A. Shumsky, L. G. Debo, Rebecca M., Lebeaux, Quang P. Nguyen, and Anne G. Hoen, (2021) “Retail store customer flow and COVID-19 transmission,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 16, 118 (11) e2019225118.
E. Nadar, M. Akan, L.G. Debo and A. Scheller-Wolf, (2023) “Optimal Procurement in Remanufacturing Systems with Uncertain Used-Item Condition,” Operations Research, forthcoming.
N. Savva, L.G. Debo and R.A. Shumsky, (2023) “Hospital Reimbursement in the Presence of Cherry Picking and Upcoding,” Management Science, forthcoming.
S. Ansari, S. Iravani, L.G. Debo, (2023) “Scheduling Policies to Minimize Abandonment Costs in Infomercial Call Centers,” accepted for publication in IISE Transactions
L. G. Debo, G. van Ryzin, (2013) “Creating Sales with Stock-Outs” (formerly titled: “Consumer Search Behavior when the Product Quality is Uncertain”) ChicagoBooth Working Paper 09-25.
C. Jin, L.G. Debo, S. Iravani and M. Kremer and Seyed Iravani, (2017) “Observational Learning with Large Choice Sets - Crowds, Contrarians, and Congestion.” ChicagoBooth Working Paper, 15-8.
C. Jin, L.G. Debo and S. Iravani, (2017) “Observational Learning in Large-Scale Congested Service Systems,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper.
L.G. Debo and Ran I. Snitkvosky, (2018) "Tipping for Fast Service: The Role of a Social Norm,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper.
L.G. Debo, S. Ansari, L. Zhonghao, S. Irvani and R. Shumsky, “Optimal Delay Messages,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper
S. Ansari, L.G. Debo, M. Ibanez, S. Iravani, S. Malik, “Under-Promising and Over-Delivering to Improve Patient Satisfaction at Emergency Departments: Evidence from a Field Experiment Providing Wait Information,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper
R.I. Snitkovsky and L.G. Debo “A Modeling Framework for Tipping in the Presence of a Social Norm,” Tuck School of Business Working Paper
L.G. Debo and S. Veeraraghavan, “Models of herding behavior in operations management” in Consumer-Driven Demand and Operations Management Models, A Systematic Study of Information-Technology-Enabled Sales Mechanisms edited by Netessine and Tang, edited by Serguei Netessine and Christopher Tang in the International Series in Operations Research & Management Science , Vol. 131 (2009).
L.G. Debo, R.C. Savaskan and L.N. Van Wassenhove, “Coordination in Closed Loop Supply Chains,” Reverse Logistics, Quantitative Models for Closed-Loop Supply Chains, edited by Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, K., Van Wassenhove, L.N., Springer-Verlag, 2004, p. 295-311.
L.G. Debo and L.N. Van Wassenhove, “Tire Recovery: The RetreadCo Case.” Managing Closed-Loop Supply Chains, edited by Flapper, Simme D.P., van Nunen, Jo A.E.E., Van Wassenhove, Luk N., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2005, p. 119-128.