Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu

Professor of Business Administration


Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu is a Professor of Business Administration at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth. Her research takes a data-driven and game-theoretic modeling approach to investigate operational drivers of organizational performance in healthcare, retail, and supply chain settings. She has published research articles in leading academic journals in the fields of operations, management science, and healthcare. She is currently a Department Editor for Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, an Associate Editor for both Management Science and Operations Research, and a Senior Editor for Production & Operations Management. She is the past President of the Supply Chain Management College of the POMS society and the past Chair of the Supply Chain Management Special Interest Group of the MSOM society.


Society Leadership  //

Past President, Production & Operations Management Society, College of Supply Chain Management
Past Chair, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Society, Supply Chain Management Special Interest Group

Journal Leadership  //

Department Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Associate Editor, Management Science
Associate Editor, Operations Research
Senior Editor, Production & Operations Management

Research Recognitions  //

INFORMS CIST Best Paper Nomination, 2024

Finalist, MSOM Society iFORM SIG Best Paper Award, 2023

Finalist, MSOM Society Award for Responsible Research in Operations Management, 2022

Finalist, INFORMS Health Applications Society Student Paper Competition, 2021

INFORMS CIST Best Paper Nomination, 2020

INFORMS CIST Best Student Paper Nomination, 2020

Finalist, Health Applications Society Pierskalla Award, 2016

First Prize, INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group Paper Competition, 2009

Teaching Recognitions  //

MBA Teaching All-Star, Kenan-Flagler, UNC, 2017

Weatherspoon Award for Excellence in BSBA Teaching, Kenan-Flagler, UNC, 2012






  • PhD, Managerial Economics & Strategy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2007
  • MS, Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management, Stanford University, 2000
  • MA, Biology, Johns Hopkins University, 1999
  • BS, Biochemistry, Nanjing University, 1996