1999 Stanford University Conference on Race, “The Everyday Realities of Professional African-American Women.”
1998 Diverse Perspectives on Revisioning Organizations, panel member. “Through the Looking Glass: Diverse Perspectives on how Organizations are Gendered,” Sponsored by Simmons Institute for Leadership and Change, Simmons Graduate School of Management.
1998 Doctoral Consortium, OB/OT/ODC Divisions of the Academy of Management, San Diego.
1998 Doctoral Colloquium, Disconnections Between Black and White Women, The Anderson School at U.C.L.A.
1998 Living Marginalized Lives in Marginalized Spaces. Keynote address, People of Color in Predominantly White Institutions. A two-day national conference sponsored by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
1998 Search and Research: Personal Reflections on Autobiographical Patterns in the Research Process. Emerging Approaches to Inquiry, Center of Action Research in Professional Practice and the ODC Division of the Academy of Management, Hawkwood College, Stroud, England.
1997 Ethnodrama: A Teaching Technique for Social Change, with Stella Nkomo. International Organization Behavior Teaching Society, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
1997 A Conversation with Ella Bell and Stella Nkomo: Life Journeys of Women Managers. International Organization Behavior Teaching Society, University of Cape Town, South Africa.
1996 Perspectives on the Field: A Conversation Between Chris Argyris and Ella L. J. Edmondson Bell, Plenary Session, Organization Behavior Teaching Conference, Keene, New Hampshire.
1996 Academy of Management, 1996 Academy of Management, Cincinnati, Ohio Round Table Presentation on Diversity at OB/OT/ODC Doctoral Consortium Chair, Best Paper Session, Organizational Development and Change Division Images of Disconnection: Black and White Women's Perceptions of Other, Symposium Presentation with Stella Nkomo Discussant, for the Symposium Outsiders Within: Black Women in Leadership
1995 Rage Versus Assimilation: Perspectives on the Black Middle Class. Showcase Presentation, American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.
1993 Applications of Family Theory to Organizations. Presentation Academy of Management, Atlanta.
1993 Disconnections and Connections Between Black and White Women in the Work Place. The Bunting Institute of Radcliffe College.
1992 Life Journeys of Women in Corporations, with S. M. Nkomo. Graduate School of Management, University of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa.
1992 Women in Management: The Black and White of It. Showcase Symposium, Academy of Management, Las Vegas, Nevada.
1992 Myths, Stereotypes and Realities of African-American Women, Bunting Institute, Boston.
1992 Diversity: Defining the Issue. School of Management, Colloquium Series, Boston University.
1991 Research as a Tool for Restoring Relationships Among Women. Academy of Management, Miami, Florida.
1991 Life Journeys of Women in Corporations. Spring Colloquium Series: Feminist Perspectives on Organizational Theory and Research, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University.
1991 Journeys Between and Among Women. Keynote address at the African-American History Week Celebrations, Simmons College, Boston.
1989 "The Snow Queen and the Mammy: Reflection on Relationships Between White and Black Women in Organizations. "Conference on Current Research on Women In Management, National Center for Management Research and Development School of Business Administration, The University of Western Ontario, Canada.
1989 "Questioning the Ethics and Values of Organizational Science from Feminist Perspectives." Participant at Invitational Workshop, SNOWBIRD, Snowbird, Utah.
1988 Program Chair. Workshop on Cultural Diversity: Individual and Research Perspectives. Career Division, Academy of Management, Anaheim.
1988 Discussant. Panel, "Identifying Levers and Incentives for Change." Organizational Development Division, Academy of Management, Anaheim, California.
1987 No Crystal Stair Current Research on The Career and Life Processes of Black Professionals." Chair of Symposium presented at the Academy of Management, New Orleans, Louisiana.
1987 "Totems: Individual and Group Empowerment through Symbolism". Workshop presented with Paula Caproni , graduate student at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts.
1987 "Managing Diversity in Organizations: Curriculum Perspectives and Challenges for the OB Professional." Paper presented at the Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts. 1987 "Strategies for Conducting Research for Understanding Race and Gender Dynamics." Presented at the Symposium for Research on Black Career Experiences; Drexel University, Philadelphia.
1985 "Bridges, Gaps and Parallels: Contemporary Research on Black Men and Black Women." Presented at the Conference on the Black Family, in cooperation with Cleveland State University and Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.
1985 Discussant. Panel, "Black Males and Gender Roles". The Society for the Study of Social Problems, Washington, DC.
1984 "Issues of Bi-Cultural Stress Among Black Professional Women". Presented at the Association of Black Sociologists, in conjunction with the Sociologist for Women in Society, San Antonio.
1984 "Issues of Bi-Cultural Stress and Black Women: Challenges and Opportunities for the Minority Female Researcher". Presented at The Woman Researcher Conference, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
1999 Key Note Speaker, women in Business Leadership Conference, Fayetteville, North Carolina.
1998 Balancing Your Life. Women’s Leadership Conference, Salomon Smith Barney.
1998 Managing Your Career: An African American Perspective. African-American Leadership Institute, Executive Education Programs, The Anderson School at U.C.L.A., March & October.
1997 Tempered Radicals: Black and White Women’s Leadership Styles, with Stella Nkomo. Women Administrators of North Carolina Higher Education.
1992 Women Tell the Truth - A Conference on Parity, Power and Sexual Harassment. Panelist in Workshop, "Organizational Strategies." New York, New York.
1992 Annual Meeting of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, Panelist in Workshop, "Curriculum Approaches to Managing Diversity." Washington, D.C.
1990 "Beyond Parent Tracks: Alliances for the '90's." Invited Participant, A Project of the National Council for Research on Women.
1990 American Management Association by Satellite, Second Annual Black Managers Forum, Panelist.
1987 "Finding Your Source of Power," presentation for the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Yale University.
1987 "Issues of Bicultural Stress Among Black Professional Women," presentation for the Coalition of 100 Black Women, New Haven, Connecticut.
1987 Moderator for Panel Concerning Black Professionals. Council of Concerned Black Executives, New York City.
1984 "Coming to Grips With Our Bi-Cultural Stress." Presented at the Association of Black Psychologists Conference, Cleveland Chapter, Cleveland, OH.
1983 "Empathy: A Technique for Understanding and Responding to Interpersonal Problems." Presented at the Ohio Academy for School Improvement Strategies Conference. Capital University, Columbus, OH.