

Through more than 30 years of research in the broad field of strategic management, VG's articles have been cited more than 8000 times. Here is a list of his publications:

Delivering World-Class Healthcare, Affordably
Harvard Business Review, November 2013

A Reverse Innovation Playbook
Harvard Business Review, April 2012

Designing a $300 House
Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2011

The CEO's Role in Business Model Reinvention
Harvard Business Review, Jan-Feb 2011

Stop The Innovation Wars
Harvard Business Review, July-August 2010, 88(7/8), pp. 76-83 (with Chris Trimble)
Winner of the McKinsey Award for the Best Article in HBR

How GE Is Disrupting Itself
Harvard Business Review, October 2009, 87(10), pp. 56-65 (with Jeff Immelt and Chris Trimble)

"Organizational DNA for Strategic Innovation"
California Management Review, Spring 2005, 47(3), p. 47-76 (with Chris Trimble)
Winner of the Accenture Award for the Best Article in CMR

Disruptiveness of Innovations: Measurement and an Assessment of Reliability and Validity
Strategic Management Journal, February 2006, 27(2), pp. 189-199 (with Praveen Kopalle)

Building Breakthrough Businesses Within Established Organizations"
Harvard Business Review, May 2005, 83(5), p. 58-68 (with Chris Trimble)

"Strategic Innovation and the Science of Learning"
MIT Sloan Management Review, Winter 2004, 45(2), pp. 67-75 (with Chris Trimble)

"Building an Effective Global Business Team"
MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer 2001, 42(4), pp. 63-71 (with Anil K. Gupta)

"Knowledge Management's Social Dimension: Lessons from Nucor Steel"
MIT Sloan Management Review, Fall 2000, 42(1), pp. 71-80 (with Anil K. Gupta)

"Taking Wal-Mart Global"
Strategy and Business, 17, Fourth Quarter 1999 (with Anil K. Gupta)

"Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Corporations"
Strategic Management Journal, 21, 2000, pp. 473-496 (with Anil K. Gupta)

"Feedback Seeking Behavior Within Multinational Corporations"
Strategic Management Journal, March 1999, 20(3), pp. 205-222 (with Anil K. Gupta and Ayesha Malhatra)

"Strategic Cost Analysis of Technology Investments"
MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 34, No. 1, Fall 1992, pp. 39-51 (with John K. Shank)

"Profit Center Manager Compensation: Impact of Market, Political, and Human Capital Factors"
Strategic Management Journal, 1992, 13 (3), pp. 205-217 (with Joe Fisher)

"Knowledge Flows and Structure of Controls in Multinational Corporations"
Academy of Management Review (with Anil K. Gupta), October 1991, 16, 4, pp. 768-792

"Impact of Output versus Behavior Controls and Resource Sharing on Performance: Strategy as a Mediating Variable"
Academy of Management Journal (with Joe Fisher), June 1990, 33,2, pp. 259-285

"On Assessing a Firm's Cash Generating Ability"
The Accounting Review (with Ray Stephens), January 1990, 65, 1, pp. 242-257

"Implementing Competitive Strategies at the Business Unit Level: Implications of Matching Managers with Strategies"
Strategic Management Journal, 1989, 10, pp. 251- 269

"Strategy Control-Systems and Resource Sharing: Effects on Business-Unit Performance"
Academy of Management Journal, June 1990, 33(2), pp. 259-285 (with Fisher, J)

"A Contingency Approach to Strategy Implementation at the Business Unit Level: Integrating Administrative Mechanisms with Strategy"
Academy of Management Journal, 31, 4, 1988, pp. 828-853

"Making Strategy Explicit in Cost Analysis: A Case Study"
MIT Sloan Management Review (with John K. Shank), Spring 1988, 29, 3, pp. 19-29

"Decentralization, Strategy, and Effectiveness of Strategic Business Units in Multi-Business Organizations"
Academy of Management Review, 11, 4, 1986, pp. 844-856

"Resource Sharing Among SBUs: Strategic Antecedents and Administrative Implications"
Academy of Management Journal (with Anil K. Gupta), 29, 4, 1986, pp. 695-714

"Impact of Participation in the Budgetary Process on Managerial Attitudes and Performance: Universalistic and Contingency Perspectives"
Decision Sciences, 17, 4, Fall 1986, pp. 496-516

"Cash Sufficiency: The Missing Link in Strategic Planning"
The Journal of Business Strategy (with John K. Shank), Summer 1986, pp. 88-95

"Linking Control Systems to Business Unit Strategy: Impact on Performance"
Accounting, Organizations and Society (with Anil K. Gupta), 1985, pp. 51-66

"Appropriateness of Accounting Data in Performance Evaluation: Environmental Uncertainty as an Intervening Variable"
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 9, 2, 1984, pp. 125-135

"Business Unit Strategy, Managerial Characteristics, and Business Unit Effectiveness at Strategy Implementation"
Academy of Management Journal (with Anil K.Gupta), 27, 1, March 1984, pp. 25-41

"The Contingent Relationship Between the Controller and Internal Audit Functions in Large Organizations"
Accounting, Organizations and Society (with J.G. San Miguel), 9, 2, 1984, pp. 179-188

"Build, Hold, Harvest: Converting Strategic Intentions into Reality"
Journal of Business Strategy (with Anil K. Gupta), 4, 3, Winter 1984, pp. 34-47

"The Objectives of Financial Statements: An Empirical Study of the Use of Cash Flow and Earnings by Security Analysts"
Accounting, Organizations and Society, 5,4, 1980, pp. 383-392

"Extending Corporate Accountability: A Survey and Framework for Analysis"
Accounting, Organizations and Society (with J.G. San Miguel and John K. Shank), 2, 4, 1977, pp. 333-347