

  • Heterogeneous Globalization: Offshoring and Reorganization

    January 2024

    NBER Working Paper 26854 (with Andrew B. Bernard, Valerie Smeets, and Frederic Warzynski)
    R&R at The Review of Economics and Statistics
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    Occupations List 

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  • Structural Change Within Versus Across Firms: Evidence from the United States

    May 2022

    NBER Working Paper 30127 (with Xiang Ding, Stephen J. Redding, and Peter K. Schott) 
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    Online Appendix

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  • Redesigning the Longitudinal Business Database

    May 2021

    CES Working Paper 21-08 (with Melissa Chow, Christopher Goetz, Nathan Goldschlag, James Lawrence, Elisabeth Ruth Perlman, Martha Stinson, and T. Kirk White)

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  • Imputing Missing Values in the US Census Bureau's County Business Patterns

    January 2021

    NBER Working Paper 26632 (with Fabian Eckert, Peter Schott, and Natalie Yang)
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  • Colocation of Production and Innovation: Evidence from the United States

    December 2020

    (with Wolfgang Keller, Peter K. Schott, Stephen Yeaple, and Nikolas Zolas) 
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  • The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition

    June 2018

    CES Working Paper 18-28 (with Shawn Klimek)

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  • Export-Platform FDI: Cannibalization or Complementarity?

    January 2024

    AEA Papers and Proceedings, 2024. 114: 130-135.
    (with Pol Antràs, Evgenii Fadeev, and Felix Tintelnot)  
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  • Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States

    December 2023

    The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. 
    (with Pol Antràs, Evgenii Fadeev, and Felix Tintelnot)   
    Link to paper; Published Version
    BFI Summary
    NBER Working Paper 31488.  This is an updated version of "Global Sourcing and Multinational Activity: A Unified Approach," NBER WP 30450.  

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  • Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation

    November 2023

    Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, 2024. 2(1): 1-44.
    (with Pol Antràs, Agustín Gutiérrez, and Felix Tintelnot)  
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    Online Appendix

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  • The Changing Firm and Country Boundaries of US Manufacturers in Global Value Chains

    August 2023

    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2023. 37(3): 31-58. 
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  • New Perspectives on the Decline of US Manufacturing Employment

    March 2018

    Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018. 32(2): 47-72.
    (with Justin Pierce and Peter Schott)
    Featured in the Financial Times, Jan 2019 (link).
    Published Version  
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    Online appendix
    2018 Globalization and Inequality BFI Conference

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  • The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence From US Firms

    September 2017

    American Economic Review, 2017. 107(9): 2514-64. 
    (with Pol Antràs and Felix Tintelnot) 

    Published Version
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    Online appendix 

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  • Factoryless Goods Producers in the US

    May 2017

    in L. Fontagne and A. Harrison (eds.), The Factory-Free Economy (chapter 5). Oxford University Press, 2017. 
    (with Andrew Bernard) 
    Featured in the Washington Post's Wonkblog,  Sep 2013 (link); the Wallstreet Journal, Mar 2014 (link).
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  • Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing

    April 2017

    Review of Economic Studies, 2017. 84(2): 650-687.  
    Previously circulated asBreaking up is hard to do: Why firms fragment production across locations.”
    Published Version  
    NBER WP  
    Online appendix   

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  • Factoryless Goods Producing Firms

    May 2015

    American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2015. 105, 518-23. 
    (with Andrew Bernard)
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  • How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size

    October 2013

    IMF Economic Review, 2013. 61, 520-559.  
    (with John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda) 
    Featured in The NBER Digest, Oct 2013 (link).
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    Online Appendix

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