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Programs and data to reproduce the results in “Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States” See Antràs, Fadeev, Fort and Tintelnot, forthcoming, and the Online Appendix. |
Antràs, Fadeev, Fort, and Tintelnot. “Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States,” Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming. |
Programs and data for “Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation” See Antràs, Fort, Gutiérrez, and Tintelnot, forthcoming, and the Online Appendix. |
Antràs, Fort, Gutiérrez, and Tintelnot. “Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation,” Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, forthcoming. |
Programs and data for US MNEs in 2007 and Factoryless Goods Producers in 2017 See Fort (2023) |
Fort, Teresa C. "The Changing Firm and Country Boundaries of US Manufacturers in Global Value Chains," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2023. 37(3): 31:58. |
Programs and data for imputed County Business Patterns Data from 1977 to 2016 See Eckert, Fort, Schott, and Yang (2020) |
Fabian Eckert, Teresa C. Fort, Peter K. Schott, and Natalie J. Yang. "Imputing Missing Values in the US Census Bureau's County Business Patterns," NBER Working Paper #26632, 2020. |
Programs and Data to reproduce results in “New Perspectives on the Decline of US Manufacturing Employment” See Fort, Pierce, and Schott (2018) |
Fort, Teresa C., and Justin R. Pierce, and Peter K. Schott “New Perspectives on the Decline of US Manufacturing Employment,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018. 32(2): 47-72. |
Census code to reproduce results in: “The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms” See Antràs, Fort, and Tintelnot (2017) |
Antràs, Pol, Fort, Teresa C., and Tintelnot, Felix “The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms,” American Economic Review, 2017. 107(9): 2514-64. |
Contract Manufacturing Services (CMS) purchases: Share of plants that purchase CMS by NAICS 4 in 2007. See section 2 of Fort (2017) |
Fort, Teresa C., "Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing," Review of Economic Studies, 2017. 84(2): 650-687. |
US Water Ports and Border Crossings: Latitude and Longitudes of deep water ports and border crossings.
Fort, Teresa C., "Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing," Review of Economic Studies, 2017. 84(2): 650-687. |
SIC-NAICS concordance file See Fort and Klimek (2018) for details. |
Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018. |
SIC concordance files: Official concordances from the manuals between SIC 1972 and SIC 1977 and SIC 1977 and SIC 1987 codes. See Fort and Klimek (2018) for details. |
Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018. |
List of 1987 SIC codes and their industry descriptions, constructed from the SIC87_to_NAICS97 concordance file. |
Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018. |
Census code to reproduce results in: "Factoryless Goods Producing Firms" |
Bernard, Andrew B. and Fort, Teresa C., “ Factoryless Goods Producing Firms,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105 (5), 518-23. |
PVAR Code to reproduce results in "How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size" |
Fort, Teresa C., John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, " How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size," IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61, 520-559. |