
Dataset / Documentation



Programs and data to reproduce the results in “Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States”

See Antràs, Fadeev, Fort and Tintelnot, forthcoming, and the Online Appendix.

Antràs, Fadeev, Fort, and Tintelnot. “Exporting, Global Sourcing, and Multinational Activity: Theory and Evidence from the United States,” Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming.  

Programs and Input Files

Programs and data for “Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation”  

See Antràs, Fort, Gutiérrez, and Tintelnot, forthcoming, and the Online Appendix.

Antràs, Fort, Gutiérrez, and Tintelnot. “Trade Policy and Global Sourcing: An Efficiency Rationale for Tariff Escalation,” Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics, forthcoming.  

Programs and Input Files

Programs and data for US MNEs in 2007 and Factoryless Goods Producers in 2017

See Fort (2023)

Fort, Teresa C. "The Changing Firm and Country Boundaries of US Manufacturers in Global Value Chains," Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2023. 37(3): 31:58.

Programs and Input Files

Programs and data for imputed County Business Patterns Data from 1977 to 2016

See Eckert, Fort, Schott, and Yang (2020)

Fabian Eckert, Teresa C. Fort, Peter K. Schott, and Natalie J. Yang. "Imputing Missing Values in the US Census Bureau's County Business Patterns,"  NBER Working Paper #26632, 2020.

Programs and Input Files

Programs and Data to reproduce results in “New Perspectives on the Decline of US Manufacturing Employment”

See Fort, Pierce, and Schott (2018)

Fort, Teresa C., and Justin R. Pierce, and Peter K. Schott “New Perspectives on the Decline of US Manufacturing Employment,Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2018. 32(2): 47-72.

Programs and Input Files

Census code to reproduce results in: “The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms”

See Antràs, Fort, and Tintelnot (2017)

Antràs, Pol, Fort, Teresa C., and Tintelnot, Felix “The Margins of Global Sourcing: Theory and Evidence from US Firms,” American Economic Review, 2017. 107(9): 2514-64.

Programs and input files

Contract Manufacturing Services (CMS) purchases: Share of plants that purchase CMS by NAICS 4 in 2007.

See section 2 of Fort (2017)

Fort, Teresa C., "Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing," Review of Economic Studies, 2017. 84(2): 650-687.

Stata dataset

Excel file

US Water Ports and Border Crossings: Latitude and Longitudes of deep water ports and border crossings.

See section A.5 of this Online Appendix

Fort, Teresa C., "Technology and Production Fragmentation: Domestic versus Foreign Sourcing," Review of Economic Studies, 2017. 84(2): 650-687.

Stata datasets 

Programs and input Files 

SIC-NAICS concordance file
File includes employment, payroll, estabs, and sales on SIC and 1997 NAICS basis.

See Fort and Klimek (2018) for details.

Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018.

Stata dataset

Programs and input files 

SIC concordance files:  Official concordances from the manuals between SIC 1972 and SIC 1977 and SIC 1977 and SIC 1987 codes.  

See Fort and Klimek (2018) for details.

Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018.



List of 1987 SIC codes and their industry descriptions, constructed from the SIC87_to_NAICS97 concordance file. 

Fort, Teresa C., and Shawn Klimek,“ The Effects of Industry Classification Changes on US Employment Composition,” CES Working Paper 18-28, 2018.

Stata dataset

csv file

Census code to reproduce results in: "Factoryless Goods Producing Firms"

See Bernard and Fort (2015)

Bernard, Andrew B. and Fort, Teresa C., “ Factoryless Goods Producing Firms,” American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 2015, 105 (5), 518-23.


PVAR Code to reproduce results in "How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size"

See Fort et al. (2013)

Fort, Teresa C., John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda, " How Firms Respond to Business Cycles: The Role of Firm Age and Firm Size," IMF Economic Review, 2013, 61, 520-559.
