

  1. “Learning from corporate mistakes.” Paper presented at the CEO Leadership Summit, Atlanta, September, 1999.

  2. “Toward developing an organizational capability of learning from mistakes.” Paper presented at the Conference on Evolution of Firm Capabilities, Hanover, NH, September, 1999.

  3. “Psychodynamic problems in organizations: Arrogance and risk-taking in strategic leadership.” Paper presented at the American Psychoanalytic Association Fall Meeting, New York, December, 1999.

  4. “Boards or directors, CEOs, and corporate governance.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, August, 1998.

  5. “The influence of prior acquisition performance on subsequent acquisition likelihood: A behavioral learning theory perspective.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, August, 1998.

  6. “CEO compensation: A study of the effects of CEO external linkages.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Diego, August, 1998.

  7. "Reaction to the MESO perspective in strategy research." Presented at the MESO Annual Conference, Amos Tuck School, Hanover, April, 1997.

  8. "Understanding acquisition performance: The role of transfer effects." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August, 1997.

  9. "The influence of organization acquisition experience on acquisition performance: A behavioral learning theory perspective." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August, 1997.

  10. "How much does the CEO matter? The role of managerial discretion in the setting of CEO compensation.” Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, August, 1997.

  11. "A social capital perspective on CEO compensation.” Paper presented at the Seventeenth Strategic Management Society Conference, Barcelona, November, 1997.

  12. "Matching CEO compensation practices to diversification strategies.” Paper presented at the Seventeenth Strategic Management Society Conference, Barcelona, November, 1997.

  13. "Inter-industry merger patterns and resource dependence: A replication and extension of Pfeffer (1972)." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual National Meeting, Cincinnati, August, 1996.

  14. "Understanding pay dispersion within top management teams: A social comparison perspective." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual National Meeting, Cincinnati, August, 1996.

  15. "Does Strategy Research Matter? An Examination of Published Research & Influence." Paper presented at the Sixteenth Strategic Management Society Conference, Phoenix, November, 1996.

  16. "Research on top management teams." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual National Meeting, Dallas, August, 1994.

  17. "Where do we go from here? Future directions for research on strategic leadership.” Ascendant Scholar presentation at the Western Academy of Management Annual Meeting, San Jose, March, 1993.

  18. "Dual board objectives of CEO accountability and entrenchment avoidance: The case of CEO duality." Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual National Meeting, Atlanta, August, 1993.

  19. "Ideological, social, and strategic perspectives on corporate governance.” Chair of session at the Thirteenth Annual Strategic Management Society Conference, Chicago, September, 1993.

  20. "The adoption of an administrative innovation: The case of outcome-based compensation plans.” Paper presented at the National TIMS/ORSA Conference, Orlando, April, 1992.