Quinn, J.B., Anderson, P.C., and Finkelstein, S. 1996. "Managing professional intellect: Making the most of the best." Harvard Business Review, 74, (March - April): 71-80. Reprinted in Ulrich, D. (Ed.), 1998. Delivering Results: A New Mandate for Human Resources Professionals, Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing: 253-268.
Quinn, J.B., Anderson, P.C., and Finkelstein, S. 1996. "Leveraging intellect." Academy of Management Executive, 10(3): 7-27 (lead article; Best Paper of the Year in Academy of Management Executive). Reprinted in Beamish, P. W. and Woodcock, C. P. 1999. Strategic Management: Text, Readings, & Cases, 5th Edition.
Bantel, K.A. and Finkelstein, S. 1995. The determinants of top management teams. In B. Markovsky, J. O'Brien, and K. Heimer (Eds.) Advances in Group Processes, Volume 12, JAI Press: Greenwich, CT, 139-165.
Hambrick, D.C. and Finkelstein, S. 1995. "The effects of ownership structure on conditions at the top: The case of CEO pay raises.” Strategic Management Journal, 16: 175-194.
Finkelstein, S. and D'Aveni, R.A. 1994. "CEO duality as a double-edged sword: How boards of directors balance entrenchment avoidance and unity of command.” Academy of Management Journal, 37: 1079-1108 (lead article).
Haleblian, J. and Finkelstein, S. 1993. "Top-management-team size, CEO dominance, and firm performance: The moderating roles of environmental turbulence and discretion.” Academy of Management Journal, 36: 844-863.
Rajagopalan, N. and Finkelstein, S. 1992. "Effects of strategic orientation and environmental change on senior management reward systems.” Strategic Management Journal, 13 (Special Summer Issue): 127-142.
Finkelstein, S. 1992. "Power in top management teams: Dimensions, measurement and validation.” Academy of Management Journal, 35: 505-538.
Clelland, I. and Finkelstein, S. 1990. "Structural interdependence and organizational response to technological innovation.” Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference on Managing the High Technology Firm: 51-55.
Rajagopalan, N. and Finkelstein, S. 1990. "Effects of strategic group membership and environmental change on senior management reward systems.” Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings: 32-36.
Finkelstein, S. and Hambrick D.C. 1990. "Top-management-team tenure and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of managerial discretion." Administrative Science Quarterly, 35: 484-503.
Finkelstein, S. and Hambrick D.C. 1989. "Chief executive compensation: A study of the intersection of markets and political processes." Strategic Management Journal, 10: 121-134.
Finkelstein, S. and Hambrick, D.C. 1988. "Chief executive compensation: A synthesis and reconciliation." Strategic Management Journal, 9: 543-558.
Hambrick, D.C. and Finkelstein, S. 1987. "Managerial discretion: A bridge between polar views of organizational outcomes.” In L. L. Cummings and B. Staw (eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 9: 369-406. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Reprinted in B. M. Staw and L. L. Cummings (eds.), The Evolution and Adaptation of Organizations: 101-138, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1990.
Finkelstein, S. 1986. "The acquisition integration process.” Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings: 12-15.