

  1. Finkelstein, S. and Cooper, C. L.  2009. “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 8, New York: Emerald, i-x.

  2. Campbell, A., Whitehead, J., and Finkelstein, S. 2009. “Why good leaders make bad decisions,” Harvard Business Review, February, 60-66. Reprinted in HBR’s 10 Must Reads On Emotional Intelligence, Harvard Business Review Press, 2015, 59-70.

  3. Kim, J. and Finkelstein, S.  2009. “The effects of strategic and locational complementarity on acquisition performance: Evidence from the U.S. commercial banking industry, 1989-2001,” Strategic Management Journal, 30: 617-646.

  4. Finkelstein, S. 2009. Why is Industry Related to CEO Compensation? A Managerial Discretion Explanation,” Open Ethics Journal, 3: 42-56.

  5. Finkelstein, S., Whitehead, J., and Campbell, A. 2009. “How inappropriate attachments can drive good leaders to make bad decisions,” Organizational Dynamics,

  6. Finkelstein, S., Whitehead, J., and Campbell, A. 2009. “How emotional tagging can push leaders to make bad decisions,” Ivey Business Journal, January/February,

  7. Finkelstein, S.  2009. “What boards need to know:  Early warning signs that provide insight to what is really going on in companies.”  In Conger, J. (Ed.) Boardroom Realities.  San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

  8. Finkelstein, S. and Cooper, C. L.  2008.  “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 7, New York: Emerald, 1-3. 

  9. Finkelstein, S., Harvey, C. and Lawton, T. 2008. “Vision by design: A reflexive approach to enterprise regeneration.” Journal of Business Strategy, 29 (2): 4-13.

  10. Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S.  2007.  “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 6, Oxford: Elsevier, ix-x. 

  11. Finkelstein, S. and Peteraf, M. A. 2007. “Managerial activities: A missing link in managerial discretion theory,” Strategic Organization, 5: 237-248.

  12. Lawton, T., Finkelstein, S., and Harvey, C., 2007.  “Taking by storm: a breakout strategy,” Journal of Business Strategy, 28 (2): 22-29.

  13. Finkelstein, S. 2006.  “Why smart executives fail: Four case histories of how people learn the wrong lessons from history,” Business History, 48 (2): 153-170 (lead article).

  14. Finkelstein, S. and Jackson, E. 2006.  “Reducing risk,” Leadership Excellence, 23 (4): 9.

  15. Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S.  2006.  “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 5, Oxford: Elsevier, pages 1–7. 

  16. Quinn, J.B., Anderson, P.C., and Finkelstein, S. 2005.  "Leveraging intellect."  Academy of Management Executive, 19(4): 78-94 (<p style="margin-left: 40px; margin-right:40px">Reprinted in “Classic Articles from AME;” originally published in 1996).

  17. Boyd, B. K., Finkelstein, S., and Gove, S. 2005.  “Determinants of accumulation advantage,” Strategic Management Journal, 26: 841-854.

  18. Finkelstein, S. and Jackson, E. 2005.  “Immunity from implosion: Building smart organizations,” Ivey Business Journal, September/October, 1-7.

  19. Finkelstein, S. 2005.  “When bad things happen to good companies: Strategy failure and flawed executives,” Journal of Business Strategy, 26 (2), 19-28.

  20. Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., Cho, T. S., and Jackson, E.M.  2005. “Isomorphism in reverse: Institutional theory as an explanation for recent intraindustry heterogenization and increased managerial discretion.”  In B. Staw and R. Kramer (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 26: 307-350, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.