

  1. Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., and Mooney, A.  2005.  “Executives sometimes lose it, just like the rest of us,” Academy of Management Review, 30: 503-508.

  2. Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., and Mooney, A.  2005.  “Executive job demands: New insights for explaining strategic decisions and leader behaviors,” Academy of Management Review, 30: 472-491.

  3. Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S.  2005.  “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 4, Oxford: Elsevier, pages ix – x. 

  4. Finkelstein, S. 2005.  “Zombie Businesses,” The Human Factor, 1(4): 40-44. 

  5. Cohn, K. H. and Finkelstein, S. 2005.  “Seven unhealthy habits of hospital executives.”  In K. H. Cohn (Ed.), Better Communication for Better Care: Mastering Physician-Administrator Collaboration, Chicago: Health Administration Press, pages, 39-45.

  6. Mooney, A.C. & Finkelstein, S. 2004. “A new approach to improving board vigilance: Shift the focus to board process.” In K.O. Cool, J.E. Hendersen, and R. Abate (Eds.), Restructuring Strategy (SMS Book Series), New York: Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, pages 268-288.

  7. Finkelstein, S. 2004. Contributor.  In Ivancevich, J., and Lidwell, W. (Eds.), Guidelines for Excellence in Management, New York: Texere.

  8. Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S.  2004.  “Introduction.”  In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 3, Oxford: Elsevier, pages ix – xi.

  9. Finkelstein, S.  2004.  “Zombie businesses: How to learn from their mistakes,” Leader to Leader, 32: 25-31.

  10. Finkelstein, S.  2004. “Seven habits of spectacularly unsuccessful executives and how to spot them,” Ivey Business Journal, January-February: 1-6. Reprinted in, 2005. Strategy: Core Concepts, Analytical Tools, Readings, 2nd Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.

  11. Finkelstein, S. 2004.  “The delusions of a dream company:  How executives avoid facing reality,” Mt. Eliza Business Review, 7(1): 18-23.

  12. Finkelstein, S., and Borg, S. 2004.  “Strategy gone bad: doing the wrong thing.”  In Handbook of Business Strategy, New York: ED Media Group, 115-124.

  13. Finkelstein, S. 2004.  “Leadership and destructive self-confidence.”  In. S. Chowdhury (Ed.), Next Generation Business Handbook: New Strategies from Tomorrow’s Thought Leaders, New York: Wiley, 56-71.

  14. Finkelstein, S. 2003.  “Toward developing an organizational capability of learning from mistakes.”  In C. Helfat (Ed.), The SMS Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities: Emergence, Development and Change, Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 415-421.

  15. Finkelstein, S. 2003.  “GM and the great automation solution,” Business Strategy Review, 14 (3): 18-24.

  16. Finkelstein, S. 2003.  “Seven habits of spectacularly unsuccessful people,” Business Strategy Review, 14 (4): 39-50.

  17. Finkelstein, S. and Mooney, A. 2003.  “Not the usual suspects: How to use board process to make boards better,” Academy of Management Executive, 17(2): 101-113 (Finalist for Best Paper of the Year, Academy of Management Executive).

  18. Urch, C. E., and Finkelstein, S. 2002. “The Boston Red Sox and the integration of African American players.”  In M. Kanter (Ed.), The Northern Game – and Beyond: Baseball in New England and Eastern Canada, Cleveland, OH: Society for American Baseball Research, p. 5-8.

  19. Finkelstein, S. 2002.  “Planning in organizations:  One vote for complexity.”  In Yammarino, F. J., and Dansereau, F. (Eds.), Research in Multi-Level Issues, Volume 1, The Many Faces of Multi-Level Issues, Oxford: Elsevier Science, 73-80.

  20. Finkelstein, S. 2002.  “The myth of managerial superiority in Internet startups: An autopsy,” Organizational Dynamics, 30(2): 172-185.