Finkelstein, S. and Jackson, E. 2006. “Reducing risk,” Leadership Excellence, 23 (4): 9.
Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. 2006. “Introduction.” In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 5, Oxford: Elsevier, pages 1–7.
Quinn, J.B., Anderson, P.C., and Finkelstein, S. 2005. "Leveraging intellect." Academy of Management Executive, 19(4): 78-94 (<p style="margin-left: 40px; margin-right:40px">Reprinted in “Classic Articles from AME;” originally published in 1996).
Boyd, B. K., Finkelstein, S., and Gove, S. 2005. “Determinants of accumulation advantage,” Strategic Management Journal, 26: 841-854.
Finkelstein, S. and Jackson, E. 2005. “Immunity from implosion: Building smart organizations,” Ivey Business Journal, September/October, 1-7.
Finkelstein, S. 2005. “When bad things happen to good companies: Strategy failure and flawed executives,” Journal of Business Strategy, 26 (2), 19-28.
Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., Cho, T. S., and Jackson, E.M. 2005. “Isomorphism in reverse: Institutional theory as an explanation for recent intraindustry heterogenization and increased managerial discretion.” In B. Staw and R. Kramer (Eds.), Research in Organizational Behavior, 26: 307-350, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., and Mooney, A. 2005. “Executives sometimes lose it, just like the rest of us,” Academy of Management Review, 30: 503-508.
Hambrick, D. C., Finkelstein, S., and Mooney, A. 2005. “Executive job demands: New insights for explaining strategic decisions and leader behaviors,” Academy of Management Review, 30: 472-491.
Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. 2005. “Introduction.” In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 4, Oxford: Elsevier, pages ix – x.
Finkelstein, S. 2005. “Zombie Businesses,” The Human Factor, 1(4): 40-44.
Cohn, K. H. and Finkelstein, S. 2005. “Seven unhealthy habits of hospital executives.” In K. H. Cohn (Ed.), Better Communication for Better Care: Mastering Physician-Administrator Collaboration, Chicago: Health Administration Press, pages, 39-45.
Mooney, A.C. & Finkelstein, S. 2004. “A new approach to improving board vigilance: Shift the focus to board process.” In K.O. Cool, J.E. Hendersen, and R. Abate (Eds.), Restructuring Strategy (SMS Book Series), New York: Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, pages 268-288.
Finkelstein, S. 2004. Contributor. In Ivancevich, J., and Lidwell, W. (Eds.), Guidelines for Excellence in Management, New York: Texere.
Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. 2004. “Introduction.” In Cooper, C. L. and Finkelstein, S. (Eds.), Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions, Volume 3, Oxford: Elsevier, pages ix – xi.
Finkelstein, S. 2004. “Zombie businesses: How to learn from their mistakes,” Leader to Leader, 32: 25-31.
Finkelstein, S. 2004. “Seven habits of spectacularly unsuccessful executives and how to spot them,” Ivey Business Journal, January-February: 1-6. Reprinted in, 2005. Strategy: Core Concepts, Analytical Tools, Readings, 2nd Edition, New York: McGraw Hill.
Finkelstein, S. 2004. “The delusions of a dream company: How executives avoid facing reality,” Mt. Eliza Business Review, 7(1): 18-23.
Finkelstein, S., and Borg, S. 2004. “Strategy gone bad: doing the wrong thing.” In Handbook of Business Strategy, New York: ED Media Group, 115-124.
Finkelstein, S. 2004. “Leadership and destructive self-confidence.” In. S. Chowdhury (Ed.), Next Generation Business Handbook: New Strategies from Tomorrow’s Thought Leaders, New York: Wiley, 56-71.