In the Media

Lindsey Graham’s Abortion Bill: Companies Calculate Risk of Political Donations

Oct 13, 2022 // “This is the 21st century. We’re not living under Milton Friedman’s philosophy that a company is just there to make money,” says Paul Argenti in an article examining how companies approach political donations and controversial issues. “Every industry is going to have someone who finally has figured out that we need to
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Knowing When to Speak Up and When to Shut Up

Sep 07, 2022 // Features Paul Argenti in an article examining when, and how, companies should speak out on controversial issues.
View at Psychology Today

Why Do Companies Get Involved in Social Issues?

Jul 20, 2022 // Paul Argenti featured in an article exploring when, and how, companies should speak out on social issues.
View at BBC

State Farm Is a Case Study for Companies in How Not to Navigate Social Issues

Jul 10, 2022 // Paul Argenti featured in an article exploring how companies should navigate taking stands on polarizing social issues.
View at Time

Talking Business: July 9, 2022

Jul 09, 2022 // Paul Argenti joined BBC’s Talking Business to discuss when, and how, companies should take stands on controversial political and social issues.
View at BBC

Will Meal Kit Company Daily Harvest Survive the Lentil Crumbles That Are Sickening Its Customers?

Jul 06, 2022 // “They could have nipped it in the bud right away by addressing it. They didn’t do that and now they have a major crisis on their hands” says Paul Argenti in an article examining a recent controversy surrounding meal kit company Daily Harvest.
View at Observer

4 Experts on How Workplaces Will Respond to the Loss of Roe v. Wade

Jun 27, 2022 // Paul Argenti is quoted in an article collecting expert opinions on how companies will respond to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
View at Time

A Nationwide Union Campaign at Starbucks Is Testing the Employee-Friendly Brand CEO Howard Schultz Built

Jun 24, 2022 // Paul Argenti is quoted in an article examining Starbucks' fight against employee unionization.
View at Observer

‘Woke Capitalism’ on the Rise—And Running into Resistance

Jun 10, 2022 // Paul Argenti quoted in an article examining the increased pressure facing American corporations to take stances on hot-button social and cultural issues.
View at The Christian Science Monitor

The Texas Law That Has Banks Saying They Don’t ‘Discriminate’ against Guns

May 28, 2022 // Paul Argenti quoted in an article examining a Texas law that bars state agencies from working with a firm that “discriminates” against companies or individuals in the gun industry, and the impact it may have on the relationship between banks and gunmakers.
View at New York Times

After State Abortion Fights, Corporate America Braces for End of Roe

May 04, 2022 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article examining how corporations may respond should the Supreme Court overturn Roe v. Wade.
View at The Washington Post

Elon Musk Is Buying Twitter. Do Vermont Social Media Users Care?

May 03, 2022 // Paul Argenti joins Vermont Edition to discuss Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter and how he might approach the idea of free speech on the platform.
View at VPR

Disney vs. Florida

Apr 21, 2022 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article examining the ongoing clash between Disney and the State of Florida, which recently revoked special benefits afforded to the company since the 1960s. “I don’t think this is going to stop companies that have a strong reputation and value system,” Argenti says, referring to companies spe
View at New York Times

Firms Balance Reputation and Revenue in Response to War

Mar 13, 2022 // Cites a Harvard Business Review article by Paul Argenti examining when, and how, companies should speak out on social issues.
View at RTE

Governments Hit Back at Russia on Twitter: ‘We Can’t Stay Silent on This One’

Mar 06, 2022 // Continued coverage of comments by Paul Argenti regarding how social media is being used by Ukraine and supporting nations during the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
View at Yahoo News

What The Spotify, Glenn Youngkin And Eric Lander Statements Tell Us About The Art Of Apologizing Today

Feb 08, 2022 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about effective apologies from businesses and leaders in today's world. "One of the rules of crisis management is to solve the problem once and for all, not put a band-aid on it and then see if we can get through this,” says Argenti.
View at Forbes

CNN President Resigns after Relationship with Co-worker

Feb 02, 2022 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article about CNN President Jeff Zucker, who resigned after acknowledging a consensual relationship with another network executive.
View at Associated Press

Why Big Tech Companies Have Been Quiet on Texas’ Abortion Law

Jan 20, 2022 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article examining why many tech companies have remained silent on recent abortion laws in states like Texas, after speaking out on other controversial issues.
View at Wired

Inside Facebook’s Decision to Eliminate Facial Recognition—For Now

Nov 05, 2021 // Quotes Paul Argenti in an article examining Facebook’s decision to ban facial recognition from its platform, as well as how the social media company has responded to numerous controversies that have plagued it in recent years.
View at Washington Post

How Facebook Can Fix Its Trust Issue

Oct 25, 2021 // Paul Argenti joins “The Exchange” to discuss the controversies facing Facebook and what the company can do to rebuild its trust with customers.
View at CNBC