Presentations at Conferences and Seminars
- NBER Summer Institute Conference Organizer: 2004-2005
- NBER Summer Institutes and Program Meetings: 1993, 1995, 1997-2010
- American Economic Association Annual Meetings: 1996-1999, 2002-2004, 2009, 2013 U.K. Royal Economic Society Annual Meetings: 1998, 2000
Colleges and Universities
- Boston College
- Brandeis University
- Calvin College
- Claremont-McKenna College (twice)
- Columbia University (four times)
- Duke University (four times)
- Harvard University (eleven times)
- London School of Economics (twice)
- Michigan State University
- MIT (twice)
- NYU and Stern School (three times)
- Oxford University (twice)
- Princeton University (three times)
- Purdue University
- Stockholm School of Economics
- Syracuse University
- Tulane University
- UC-Berkeley (four times)
- UC-Davis
- UCLA (seven times)
- UC-Santa Cruz
- University College of London
- University of Bocconi
- University of Chicago (three times)
- University of Innsbruck
- University of Leuven
- University of Michigan (twice)
- University of Minnesota (five times)
- University of Nebraska
- University of Notre Dame (three times)
- University of Nottingham (three times)
- University of Oregon
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Rochester
- University of Rotterdam
- University of Texas
- University of Virginia
- University of Warwick (twice)
- University of Wisconsin
- Washington University
- Wharton School, U. of Pennsylvania
- Yale University (three times)
Other Institutions
- American Express Bank
- Brookings Institution (four times)
- Cato Institute
- Congressional Budget Office (twice)
- Council on Foreign Relations (many times)
- European Commission
- Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York (twice)
- Federal Reserve Board (twice)
- Financial Services Forum (many times)
- Foundation DeBenedetti
- German Bundesbank
- Institute for Intl. Econ. (three times)
- International Labor Organization
- Int’l Monetary Fund (four times)
- Intl. Tax Policy Forum (many times)
- Kiel World Institute (twice)
- National Academy of Sciences (twice)
- National Policy Association (twice)
- National Press Club (three times)
- OECD (many times)
- Organization for Int’l Investment (many times)
- Research Council of TIAA-CREF (five times)
- Reserve Bank of Australia
- Russell Sage Foundation
- Santa Fe Institute
- United Nations University (twice)
- U.S. BEA (twice)
- U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
- U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (twice)
- U.S. Department of Labor
- U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, Testimony and Briefings (many times)
- U.S. International Trade Commission
- The Vatican
- World Bank (four times)
- World Trade Organization