In the Media

Computer Trained to Guess Book Genre Using Only Cover Image

Nov 19, 2016 // Cites the paper, “Brand Familiarity and Advertising Repetition Effects, co-authored by Kevin Lane Keller and Margaret Campbell in an article about a team of researchers in Japan using machine-learning to confirm that the homogenous designs of books within a genre is a pretty effective marketing technique.
View at Forbes

Ikea Strategy Ditches the Dream Home for the Daily Grind

Oct 30, 2016 // Quotes Kevin Lane Keller about Ikea's new "We Help You Make It" advertising campaign and inclusive message, “No matter who you are, what you do, or how much you make, you can still make the dream yours.”
View at The New York Times

Donald Trump's Brand Takes a Hit From Sexual Assault Allegations and Lewd Video

Oct 22, 2016 // Quotes Kevin Lane Keller, the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing, about how the ugliest presidential race in modern history has tarnished the Trump name to such degree that it may jeopardize the future of his business enterprises.
View at Los Angeles Times

Why There Is Never Sleep for Marketers

Oct 11, 2016 // References the Harvard Business Review article, “Three Questions You Need to Ask About Your Brand,” co-authored by Kevin Lane Keller in an opinion piece discussing the Premier Inn’s change in marketing strategy. Premier Inn is the United Kingdom’s largest hotel chain.
View at Campaign

With Back-to-School Approaching, Gap Seeks New Grip on Shoppers

Jul 18, 2016 // Quotes Kevin Lane Keller in an article about Gap’s declining sales and the opportunity for the apparel company to regain their footing in this back-to-school season.
View at Advertising Age

The Most Iconic Ad Campaigns And What Marketers Today Can Learn From Them

May 12, 2016 // Kevin Lane Keller is referenced in an article about how the criteria for an iconic ad campaign is shifting. Forbes notes that Keller would put the Milk Board's "Got Milk?" campaign in the iconic ad campaign category.
View at Forbes

5 Things I Know About Marketing-Dartmouth’s Kevin Lane Keller

Mar 13, 2016 // Kevin Lane Keller writes, “I’m all about percentages and a balanced approach: mix and match, integrate, innovate and stay relevant, make sure the product experience is the core, understand customer diversity.”
View at Marketing Science Institute

State Farm Angles for a Brand Repositioning

Dec 11, 2015 // Kevin Keller says,"I'd be surprised if they're walking away from the 'good neighbor' tagline—that agent system is their business model and how they operate."
View at AdvertisingAge

Nonprofits, Aiming for Relevance, Try On New Names

Dec 01, 2015 // Kevin Lane Keller comments on how nonprofits are shedding longstanding names and embarking on efforts to rebrand themselves. "One of the hardest things with nonprofits is that they do a lot of different things. It's hard to put in a box and put a label on. It's a paragraph, not a couple of words."
View at The New York Times

Tom Brady’s branding may offer peek at Patriots’ future

May 11, 2015 // Kevin Lane Keller comments on Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's impact on the Patriots brand in the wake of "deflate gate."
View at The Boston Globe

CFO as Marketing Chief? Maybe Not as Unusual as You Think (or Maybe So)

May 11, 2015 // Kevin Lane Keller says, "Marketing is just not something a CFO is trained in. They don't have the instincts or experiences."
View at Advertising Age

Some consumers say Apple is losing its 'cool' factor

Sep 19, 2014 // "Especially when you have competitors who are doing a lot of innovative things themselves and great advertising, it’s not surprising that Apple doesn't have the same cachet and coolness that it once did," said Kevin Lane Keller.
View at Reuters

The Case of the Vanishing Assets

Sep 11, 2014 // Kevin Lane Keller and a colleague discuss the conflict between two accounting standards used to measure intangible assets.
View at CFO

Female Empowerment in Ads: Soft Feminism or Soft Soap?

Sep 02, 2014 // Kevin Lane Keller comments in response to recent advertisements by Dove and other brands. "Execution is critical," he said. "If it's done properly, it is a way to create a richer brand that has more meaning, relevance and is reaching people in a more emotional way."
View at Advertising Age

GE's 'Garages' Hits The Global Road

Aug 13, 2014 // Kevin Lane Keller is quoted on GE's Garages program road shows. "In general, when it comes to companies that have a cause side, you want to make sure you have a strong 'show' component, and the 'tell' component must be presented more organically," he said.
View at Forbes

Putting a Price Tag on Brands

Jul 15, 2014 // Cites research by Kevin Keller supporting a universally accepted system for brand valuation.
View at Insead

What's in a Name? Ask the Other Isis

Jul 09, 2014 // Kevin Keller says it's not ideal branding when a firm shares its name with a terrorist organization.
View at ECommerce Times

World’s Best B-School Professors: Kevin Lane Keller

May 16, 2013 // Poets & Quants interviews Tuck's marketing and branding guru.
View at Poets & Quants

Brand Guru Kevin Lane Keller Warns Companies against Rapid Expansions

Mar 21, 2012 // Kevin Lane Keller warns that rapid expansion of strong brands could lead to 'deathby-1,000-cuts syndrome.'
View at The Economic Times