
Published Papers

Working Papers

  • Acemoglu, Daron*, Daniel Huttenlocher*, Asuman Ozdaglar*, and James Siderius* (2023). The Welfare Effects of Digital Advertising Business Models.
  • Acemoglu, Daron*, Asuman Ozdaglar*, and James Siderius* (2023). Competing for Limited Attention on Social Media.
  • Huttenlocher, Daniel*, Hannah Li*, Liang Lyu*, Asuman Ozdaglar*, and James Siderius* (2023). Matching of Users and Creators in Two-Sided Markets with Departures.
  • Cen, Sarah*, Asuman Ozdaglar*, and James Siderius* (2023). How Platforms Shape What You Think.
  • Mostagir, Mohamed* and James Siderius* (2023). The Economics of Ghosting.
  • Mostagir, Mohamed* and James Siderius* (2023). When Should Platforms Break Echo Chambers

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