With Joe Porac: “Pankaj Ghemawat’s Commitment and the Job of the Strategist,” Strategy Science, 7 (2), 2022: 138-142.
With Dan Lovallo, Martin Huber, and Magdalena Smith: “Bias Busters: Don’t Steer Your Strategy by the Wrong Star,” McKinsey Quarterly, 2021.
With Ramon Lecuona Torras: “A Neo-Carnegie Approach to the Agency Question: Bridging the Evolutionary and Cognitive Views of Strategy,” Strategy Science, 6 (4), 2021: 265-273.
With Joe Porac: Co-editor of the special issue of Strategy Science “Where do great strategies come from?” Strategy Science, 3 (1), 2018: 352-365.
With Constance Helfat and Luigi Marengo. “Shaping, Searching, and the Quest for Superior Performance,” Strategy Science, 2 (3), 2017: 194-209.
With Anoop Menon. “Conceptual Models of Strategic Foresight,” Strategy Science, 1 (3), 2016: 207-233.
With William Ocasio (editors), Advances in Strategic Management, “Cognition and Strategy,” Volume N.32 (2015) Emerald Group Publishing.
With William Ocasio (editors), “Introduction,” Advances in Strategic Management, “Cognition and Strategy,” Volume N.21 (2015) Emerald Group Publishing.
With Mary Tripsas. “Capabilities, Cognition and Inertia: Evidence from Digital Imaging.” Strategic Management Journal 21 (October-November 2000): 1147-1161. (Reprinted in Tushman, M., and P. Anderson (eds.). Managing strategic innovation and change: a collection of readings. 2nd ed.: xix, 635, Chapter 2 pp. 18-32. (2004). New York: Oxford University Press; Reprinted in C. Helfat (ed.) The SMS Blackwell Handbook of Organizational Capabilities, Chapter 23, pp. 393-412. Blackwell Publishing: Malden, MA.) Available online.
“The Innovative Firm: Strategy and Organization.” In Franco Malerba (ed.) The Innovative Firm. (2000) NIS Milan, Italy. [in Italian]
“The Non-Sustainability of Sustainability: Schumpeterian Dynamics and Organizational Capabilities.” In A. Lipparini (ed.) Organizational Competencies. 1998. Carocci: Rome, Italy. [in Italian]
With Franco, Malerba. “The Italian Innovative System in Europe.” Economia e Politica Industriale, 89 (September 1996): 231-260.
“Organizational Competencies, Technological Strategy and Evolutionary Dynamics: Some Observations.” Economia e Politica Industriale, 87 (October 1996): 185-207.
With Ramon Lecuona Torras. “The Expertise of the Strategist” (under development).
With Constance Helfat and Luigi Marengo. “Shaping, Searching, and Endogenous Selection: The Quest for Superior Performance” (prepared for the special issue of Strategy Science on “Evolutionary Approaches to Strategy”).
With Massimo Warglien. “Recognizing the New: A Multi-Agent Model of Analogy in Strategic Decision-Making.” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series, No. 08-028, October 2007.
“Evolutionary Theory Revisited: Cognition, Hierarchy, and Capabilities.” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series, No 04-028, October 2003.
With Ramon Lecuona Torras: “The Expertise of the Strategist.”
With Sebastiano Massaro: “Expertise and Creativity in Strategy.”
With Joe Porac: “On the Origin of Great Strategies: A Theoretical Framework.” Guest Co-Editor of the Special issue on Uncertainty, Academy of Management Review (expected publication 2019)
“Microfoundations: A Historical Perspective." The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2013.
“Attention and Organizations.” Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, August 2012.
“Microfoundations II.” The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2012.
“Microfoundations I.” The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2012.
“A Model of Collective Interpretation.” The Wharton School of Business, February 2012.
“A Model of Collective Interpretation.” Tuck School of Business, January 2012.
“A Model of Collective Interpretation.” London Business School, January 2012.
“The Psychology of Strategic Leadership.” Horizon Series, Association of Management Consulting Firms, New York, September 2011.
“Is There a Future for Neuro-Strategy?” Academy of Management Meetings, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
“Representations and Strategy, “ Strategic Management Society, Venice, September 2010.
“Representations and Strategy,” Academy of Management, Montreal, August 2010.
“Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” University of Chicago, Chicago, May 2010.
“Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Harvard Business School, Annual Research Symposium, May 2009.
“A Behavioral Approach to Strategy,” Medici Summer School, Florence, July 2009.
“Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” BYU Strategy Research, March 2009.
“Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Israel Strategy Research, Tel Aviv, December 2008.
“A Behavioral Approach to Strategy,” IRI Summer School, Volterra, July 2008.
“Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” IRI Summer School, Volterra, July 2008.
“From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Washington University, March 2008.
“From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Dartmouth College, March 2008.
“From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” DRUID, Copenhagen, June 2008.
“On the Origin of Strategy and Microfoundational Issues,” Copenhagen School of Business, Copenhagen, December 2006.
“Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities’ Development: Implications for the Architecture of Search,” Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, August, 2006.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, May 2006.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Kellogg, Northwestern University, Evanston, December 2005.
“Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities’ Development: A Research Agenda,” Informs Conference, San Francisco, October 2005.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Academy of Management Meetings, Honolulu, August 2005.
“Thinking About the Frontiers of the Strategy Field: A Personal Journey,” Academy of Management Meetings, Honolulu, August 2005.
“On the Origin of Strategy,” Panel on the Origin of Strategy (panel organizer), Organization Science Winter Conference, Steamboat Springs, February 2005.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Harvard Business School, Organizational Behavior seminar series, Boston, October 2004.
“On the Origin of Strategy,” (Invited talk) Workshop on Organizational Forms and Functions, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, September 2004.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” London Business School, London, May 2004.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” The Wharton School, Philadelphia, May 2004.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Harvard Business School, Boston, May 2004.
“On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Boston University, Boston, May 2004.
“Strategy-Making in Novel and Complex Worlds: The Power of Analogy,” (Invited talk), Brigham Young University Strategy Conference, Park City, March 2004.
“Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, November 2003.
“Strategy-Making in Novel and Complex Worlds: The Power of Analogy,” MIT Sloan of Management, Cambridge, MA, November 2003.
“Beyond Routines: Cognition, Case-Based Reasoning, and Strategy,” (Invited talk) Conference in honor of Sidney Winter, The Wharton School, Philadelphia, October 2003.
“Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” AiSM/INSEAD Strategy Process Workshop, Fontainebleau, August 2003.
“Complexity, Cognition, and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August 2003.
“Analogy in the Origin of Strategy,” Workshop on Cognition and Capabilities, Harvard Business School, Boston, September 2002.
“Complexity, Cognition and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategies,” Strategy Research Forum Meeting, Solomon Island, May 2002.
“Complexity, Cognition and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategies,” Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, August 2002.
“Cognition, Capabilities and Corporate Strategy Making,” Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, August 2001.
“Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search,” presented in the showcase symposium on “Search and Creation of Organizational Capabilities: the Evolution of Tacit, Articulated and Codified Knowledge,” Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, August 1999.
“Cognition and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations,” EGOS Conference, Warwick, July 1999.
“Cognition and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations,” Annual CCC Consortium, New York, March 1999.
“Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search,” Strategic Management Society Conference, Orlando, October 1999