Research & Publications


  • Another View: The Future of Public Private Equity,” The Deal Book, New York Times, April 2009
  • “Winning Strategies”, The PEI-IPLA Global Limited Partner Survey, April 2008, with Fred Wainwright
  • Glossary, National Venture Capital Association Yearbook 2008, with Fred Wainwright
  • Supreme Court Amicus Brief Regarding Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. v. Public Utility District #1 of Snohomish County, Washington, December 2007, with William Baumol et al
  • “Fair Value is Here to Stay”, Private Equity International, July 2007, with Fred Wainwright
  • “Fair Value – The Train Has Left The Station”, Venture Capital Journal, June 2007
  • “Private Equity: Changing Europe for the Better?”, European Business Forum, April 2007
  • “The Balance Between Debt and Added Value”, Financial Times, September 2006, with Fred Wainwright
  • “It's Time To Do Away With Participating Preferred”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2006, with Fred Wainwright
  • “Surprise! Valuation Guidelines are Being Adopted”, Venture Capital Journal, June 2005, with Fred Wainwright
  • “The Challenge of Valuation Guidelines”, Debevoise & Plimpton Private Equity Report, July 2006, with Fred Wainwright
  • “Survey: GPs and LPs Support Idea for Model LP Agreement”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2004, with Fred Wainwright. Revised: 5/20/2010
  • “The Stage is Set”, Private Equity International, May 2004, with Fred Wainwright
  • “Conference on Private Equity Valuation: Developing Theory for Practice”, Tuck Today Magazine, December 2003 with Fred Wainwright
  • “LPs Need to Trust General Partners in Setting Valuations”, Venture Capital Journal, March 2003, with Michael Horvath.
  • “The Year of Valuation Guidelines”, The Private Equity Annual Review 2002, with Michael Horvath and Fred Wainwright.
  • “GPs Say Valuation Standard Is „Important‟ But Can‟t Agree On One”, Venture Capital Journal, October 2002, with Michael Horvath.
  • “You Can No Longer Ignore Corporate Governance Issues”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2002, with M. Horvath.
  • “What‟s a Company Worth ? It Depends on Which GP You Ask”, Venture Capital Journal, May 2002, with M. Horvath.
  • “Liquidation Preferences: What You May Not Know”, Venture Capital Journal, March 2002, with M. Horvath.
  • “Bury the Ratchets”, Venture Capital Journal, January 2002, with M. Horvath.
  • “Competing in New Deregulated Gas Markets”, Symposium on the Future of the Gas Industry in the New Competitive Market, The Institute of Economic Affairs, April 1994.
  • “Stochastic Approximation”, with R.L. Kashyap and K.S. Fu in A Prelude to Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, 1994 (re-publication).
  • “Applications of the Stochastic Approximation Methods”, with R.L. Kashyap and K.S. Fu in A Prelude to Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, 1994 (re-publication).
  • “Tuck in Japan”, Selections, Autumn 1989.
  • “Report of The AACSB Task Force on Outcome Measurement”, report of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business‟ Task Force, June 1989 (co-authored).
  • “Understanding the MBA”, Dartmouth Business Forum, Spring 1989.
  • “How to Educate Your Child to Take Over the Family Business...Or Any Business”, Boardroom Reports, January 1, 1988.
  • “State Policies Under Pressure,” Chapter 7 of Drawing the Line on Natural Gas Regulation: The Harvard Study on the Future of Natural Gas, edited by Joseph P. Kalt and Frank C. Schuller (Quorum Books, 1987).
  • Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs, report of the Committee on Vocational Education and the Economic Development of Depressed Areas. C. Blaydon, chair, S. Sherman, editor; National Academy of Sciences, 1983.
  • ”Alternative Electricity Futures: Review and Analysis,” report to the Electricity Policy Project, U.S. Department of Energy, September 1982, with W.W. Hogan, W.H. Hieronymus, and M.M. Schnitzer.
  • “Retirement Program Coverage,” in Retirement Income and the Economy: Increasing Income for the Aged, edited by Dallas L. Salisbury (Employee Benefits Research Institute, 1981).
  • “Private Pension Forecasts,” with D. Kennel, H. Ting, and J. Valiente. Working paper for U.S. Department of Labor, 1980.
  • “Coverage, Participation, and Vesting in Private Pension Plans,” with D. Kennell, H. Ting, and J. Valiente. Working paper for U.S. Department of Labor, 1981.
  • “Marginal Cost and Rate Structure Design for Retail Sales of Natural Gas, “ in Problems in Regulatory Economics (Ballinger Press, 1979), with W. Magat and C. Thomas.
  • “Natural Gas Rate Design,” U.S. Department of Energy Report, September 1981, with A. Brooks and S. Seeker.
  • “Policy Research and Federal Energy Regulation,” AAAS Symposium, July 1979.
  • “Natural Gas and the Economy,” Symposium on Energy and the Economy, The Energy Bureau, Washington, D.C., September 1980.
  • “State Policies and Private higher Education,” Public Policy and Private Higher Education, The Brookings Institute, Fall 1977.
  • “Financing the Cites: An Issue Agenda,‟ Duke Law Journal, Spring 1977, with S.P. Gilford.
  • “Income Support Policies and Family Structure,” Daedalus, Spring 1977.
  • Federal Response on Student Loans: Comment, Student Loans: Problems and Policy Alternatives, edited by Lois Rice (College Entrance Examination Board, New York, 1977).
  • “Impact of the National Energy Plan Coal Replacement Incentives on Electric utility Investment Decisions,” Phase I Report, U.S. Department of Energy, August 13, 1977, with S. Seeber.
  • “Reorganization of Administrative Responsibilities Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA),” President‟s Reorganization Project, 1978.
  • “Natural Gas Resources,” prepared testimony on behalf of the New Jersey Public Advocate before the New Jersey Utility Commission, June 1976.
  • “Summary of Diabetes Program Funding,” in Report of the National Commission on Diabetes to the Congress of the United States, Vol. IV, December 10, 1975.
  • “Incentive Contracts and Competitive Bidding: A Comment,” American Economic Review, November-December 1974, with P.W. Marshall.
  • “Bidding for Simple Incentive Contracts,” working paper HBS 72-31, presented as a contributed paper at AIDS Fourth Annual Meeting, November 1972.
  • “An Introduction to Time Series Models,” working paper HBSA 72-73, presented as an invited tutorial talk at the AIDS Third Annual Meeting, October 1971.
  • “Stochastic Approximation,” in Adaptive and Learning Systems, edited by J.M. Mendel (Academic Press, 1970) with K.S. Fu and R.L. Kashyap.
  • “Applications of Stochastic Approximation” in Adaptive and Learning Systems, edited by J.M. Mendel (Academic Press, 1970), with K.S. Fu and R.L. Kashyap.
  • “Comments on the Estimation of Distribution Functions,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-16, No. 2, March 1970, p. 226, with T. Wagner and R.L. Kashyap.
  • “Recovery of Regression Functions,” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 1968, with R.L. Kashyap.
  • “Approximation of Distribution and Density functions,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 55, No. 2, February 1967.
  • “Recursive Algorithms for Pattern Classification,” Cruft Lab Technical Report, No. 250, Harvard University, 1967. (The technical report version of doctoral thesis available upon request.)
  • “On the Abstraction Problem in Pattern Classification,” proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. 22, October 1966, with Y.C. Ho.
  • “Recovery of Functions from Noisy Measurements Taken at Randomly Selected Points and Its Application to Pattern Classifications,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 54, No. 8, August 1966, with R.L. Kashyap.
  • “On a Pattern Classification Result of Aizerman, Braverman and Rozonoer,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-12, No. 1, January 1966, with R.L. Kashyap.
  • “Experiments with a Pattern Classification Technique,” Cruft Lab Technical Report, Harvard University, 1965, with Y.C. Ho, R.L. Kashyap, and A. Arcese.