“Winning Strategies”, The PEI-IPLA Global Limited Partner Survey, April 2008, with Fred Wainwright
Glossary, National Venture Capital Association Yearbook 2008, with Fred Wainwright
Supreme Court Amicus Brief Regarding Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. v. Public Utility District #1 of Snohomish County, Washington, December 2007, with William Baumol et al
“Fair Value is Here to Stay”, Private Equity International, July 2007, with Fred Wainwright
“Fair Value – The Train Has Left The Station”, Venture Capital Journal, June 2007
“Private Equity: Changing Europe for the Better?”, European Business Forum, April 2007
“The Balance Between Debt and Added Value”, Financial Times, September 2006, with Fred Wainwright
“It's Time To Do Away With Participating Preferred”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2006, with Fred Wainwright
“Surprise! Valuation Guidelines are Being Adopted”, Venture Capital Journal, June 2005, with Fred Wainwright
“The Challenge of Valuation Guidelines”, Debevoise & Plimpton Private Equity Report, July 2006, with Fred Wainwright
“Survey: GPs and LPs Support Idea for Model LP Agreement”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2004, with Fred Wainwright. Revised: 5/20/2010
“The Stage is Set”, Private Equity International, May 2004, with Fred Wainwright
“Conference on Private Equity Valuation: Developing Theory for Practice”, Tuck Today Magazine, December 2003 with Fred Wainwright
“LPs Need to Trust General Partners in Setting Valuations”, Venture Capital Journal, March 2003, with Michael Horvath.
“The Year of Valuation Guidelines”, The Private Equity Annual Review 2002, with Michael Horvath and Fred Wainwright.
“GPs Say Valuation Standard Is „Important‟ But Can‟t Agree On One”, Venture Capital Journal, October 2002, with Michael Horvath.
“You Can No Longer Ignore Corporate Governance Issues”, Venture Capital Journal, July 2002, with M. Horvath.
“What‟s a Company Worth ? It Depends on Which GP You Ask”, Venture Capital Journal, May 2002, with M. Horvath.
“Liquidation Preferences: What You May Not Know”, Venture Capital Journal, March 2002, with M. Horvath.
“Bury the Ratchets”, Venture Capital Journal, January 2002, with M. Horvath.
“Competing in New Deregulated Gas Markets”, Symposium on the Future of the Gas Industry in the New Competitive Market, The Institute of Economic Affairs, April 1994.
“Stochastic Approximation”, with R.L. Kashyap and K.S. Fu in A Prelude to Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, 1994 (re-publication).
“Applications of the Stochastic Approximation Methods”, with R.L. Kashyap and K.S. Fu in A Prelude to Neural Networks, Prentice Hall, 1994 (re-publication).
“Tuck in Japan”, Selections, Autumn 1989.
“Report of The AACSB Task Force on Outcome Measurement”, report of the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business‟ Task Force, June 1989 (co-authored).
“Understanding the MBA”, Dartmouth Business Forum, Spring 1989.
“How to Educate Your Child to Take Over the Family Business...Or Any Business”, Boardroom Reports, January 1, 1988.
“State Policies Under Pressure,” Chapter 7 of Drawing the Line on Natural Gas Regulation: The Harvard Study on the Future of Natural Gas, edited by Joseph P. Kalt and Frank C. Schuller (Quorum Books, 1987).
Education for Tomorrow’s Jobs, report of the Committee on Vocational Education and the Economic Development of Depressed Areas. C. Blaydon, chair, S. Sherman, editor; National Academy of Sciences, 1983.
”Alternative Electricity Futures: Review and Analysis,” report to the Electricity Policy Project, U.S. Department of Energy, September 1982, with W.W. Hogan, W.H. Hieronymus, and M.M. Schnitzer.
“Retirement Program Coverage,” in Retirement Income and the Economy: Increasing Income for the Aged, edited by Dallas L. Salisbury (Employee Benefits Research Institute, 1981).
“Private Pension Forecasts,” with D. Kennel, H. Ting, and J. Valiente. Working paper for U.S. Department of Labor, 1980.
“Coverage, Participation, and Vesting in Private Pension Plans,” with D. Kennell, H. Ting, and J. Valiente. Working paper for U.S. Department of Labor, 1981.
“Marginal Cost and Rate Structure Design for Retail Sales of Natural Gas, “ in Problems in Regulatory Economics (Ballinger Press, 1979), with W. Magat and C. Thomas.
“Natural Gas Rate Design,” U.S. Department of Energy Report, September 1981, with A. Brooks and S. Seeker.
“Policy Research and Federal Energy Regulation,” AAAS Symposium, July 1979.
“Natural Gas and the Economy,” Symposium on Energy and the Economy, The Energy Bureau, Washington, D.C., September 1980.
“State Policies and Private higher Education,” Public Policy and Private Higher Education, The Brookings Institute, Fall 1977.
“Financing the Cites: An Issue Agenda,‟ Duke Law Journal, Spring 1977, with S.P. Gilford.
“Income Support Policies and Family Structure,” Daedalus, Spring 1977.
Federal Response on Student Loans: Comment, Student Loans: Problems and Policy Alternatives, edited by Lois Rice (College Entrance Examination Board, New York, 1977).
“Impact of the National Energy Plan Coal Replacement Incentives on Electric utility Investment Decisions,” Phase I Report, U.S. Department of Energy, August 13, 1977, with S. Seeber.
“Reorganization of Administrative Responsibilities Under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA),” President‟s Reorganization Project, 1978.
“Natural Gas Resources,” prepared testimony on behalf of the New Jersey Public Advocate before the New Jersey Utility Commission, June 1976.
“Summary of Diabetes Program Funding,” in Report of the National Commission on Diabetes to the Congress of the United States, Vol. IV, December 10, 1975.
“Incentive Contracts and Competitive Bidding: A Comment,” American Economic Review, November-December 1974, with P.W. Marshall.
“Bidding for Simple Incentive Contracts,” working paper HBS 72-31, presented as a contributed paper at AIDS Fourth Annual Meeting, November 1972.
“An Introduction to Time Series Models,” working paper HBSA 72-73, presented as an invited tutorial talk at the AIDS Third Annual Meeting, October 1971.
“Stochastic Approximation,” in Adaptive and Learning Systems, edited by J.M. Mendel (Academic Press, 1970) with K.S. Fu and R.L. Kashyap.
“Applications of Stochastic Approximation” in Adaptive and Learning Systems, edited by J.M. Mendel (Academic Press, 1970), with K.S. Fu and R.L. Kashyap.
“Comments on the Estimation of Distribution Functions,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-16, No. 2, March 1970, p. 226, with T. Wagner and R.L. Kashyap.
“Recovery of Regression Functions,” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, January 1968, with R.L. Kashyap.
“Approximation of Distribution and Density functions,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 55, No. 2, February 1967.
“Recursive Algorithms for Pattern Classification,” Cruft Lab Technical Report, No. 250, Harvard University, 1967. (The technical report version of doctoral thesis available upon request.)
“On the Abstraction Problem in Pattern Classification,” proceedings of the National Electronics Conference, Vol. 22, October 1966, with Y.C. Ho.
“Recovery of Functions from Noisy Measurements Taken at Randomly Selected Points and Its Application to Pattern Classifications,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 54, No. 8, August 1966, with R.L. Kashyap.
“On a Pattern Classification Result of Aizerman, Braverman and Rozonoer,” in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. IT-12, No. 1, January 1966, with R.L. Kashyap.
“Experiments with a Pattern Classification Technique,” Cruft Lab Technical Report, Harvard University, 1965, with Y.C. Ho, R.L. Kashyap, and A. Arcese.