
Peer-reviewed Journals

[27] “Forewarned Is Forearmed? Contingent Sourcing, Shipment Information, and Supplier Competition,” (with T. Lu), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2023, 25(5), 1796-1813.

[26] “Supply Chain Challenges in the Post-COVID Era,” (with S. Graves and S. Willems), Production and Operations Management, 2022, 31(12), 4319-4332.

[25] "After-Sales Service Contracting: Condition Monitoring and Data Ownership” (with C. Li), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2022, 24(3), 1494-1510.

[24] "Sourcing from a Self-Reporting Supplier: Strategic Communication of Social Responsibility in a Supply Chain,” (with T. Lu), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2022, 24(2), 902-920.

[23] "The Internet of Things and Information Fusion: Who Talks to Who,” (with S. Saghafian and S. Biller), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2022, 24(1), 333-351.

[22] "Industry 4.0: Opportunities and Challenges for Operations Management,” (with T. Lennon Olsen), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Jan-Feb 2020, 22(1), 113-122.

[21] "Selling Coproducts through a Distributor: The Impact on Product Line Design," (with T. Lu, Y-J Chen, and Y. Wang), Production and Operations Management, April 2019, 28 (4), 1010-1032.

[20] "Production Chain Disruptions: Inventory and Interruption Insurance," (with L. Dong and S. Tang), Production and Operations Management, July 2018, 27 (7), 1251-1270.

[19] "Dual Co-product Technologies: Implications for Process Development and Adoption,"  (with Y-J Chen and Y. Wang), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,  Fall 2017, 19(4), 692-712.

[18] "The Newsvendor under Distribution Ambiguity: Using the Maximum-Entropy Principle to Combine Data with Moment and Tail Information," (with S. Saghafian), Operations Research, January-February 2016, 64 (1), 167-185.

[17] "Coproduct Technologies: Product Line Design and Process Innovation," (with Y.-J. Chen and Y. Wang), Management Science, December 2013, 59 (12), 2772-2789.

[16] "Incorporating Stochastic Lead Times into the Guaranteed Service Model of Safety Stock Optimization," (with S. Humair, J. Ruark and S.P. Willems), Interfaces, Sep-Oct 2013, 43 (5), 421-434.

  • Finalist, 2012 INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice

[15] "Guilt by Association: Strategic Failure Prevention and Recovery Capacity Investments," (with S. Kim), Management Science, July 2013, 59 (7), 1631-1649.

[14] "Managing Disruption Risk: The Interplay between Operations and Insurance," (with L. Dong), Management Science, October 2012, 58 (10), 1898-1915.

[13] "Regulatory Trade Risk and Supply Chain Strategy," (with Y. Wang and W. Gilland), Production and Operations Management, July-August 2011 30 (4), 522-540. 

  • Winner, 2012 Wickham Skinner Award for Best Paper published in Production and Operations Management during 2011.

[12] "Mitigating Supply Risk: Dual Sourcing or Process Improvement?," (with Y. Wang and W. Gilland), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Summer 2010, 12 (3), 489-510.

  • Finalist, 2013 M&SOM Best Paper Award (papers published in previous three years are eligible for this annual award).

[11] "To Wait or Not to Wait: Optimal Ordering under Lead Time Uncertainty and Forecast Updating," (with Y. Wang), Naval Research Logistics, December 2009 56 (8), 766-779.

[10] "The Influence of Cost and Quality Priorities on the Propensity to Outsource Production," (with J.V. Gray and A.V. Roth), Decision Sciences, November 2009 40 (4), 697-726.

[9] "Outsourcing to a Powerful Contract Manufacturer:  The Effect of Learning-By-Doing," (with J.V. Gray and A.V. Roth), Production and Operations Management, Sep-Oct 2009 18 (5), 487-505.

[8] "The Impact of Supply Learning when Suppliers are Unreliable," Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Spring 2009, 11 (2), 192-209.

[7] "Disruption-Management Strategies for Short Life-Cycle Products," Naval Research Logistics, June 2009, 56 (4), 318-347.

[6] "The Power of Flexibility for Mitigating Supply Chain Risk," (with C.S. Tang), International Journal of Production Economics, November 2008, 116 (1), 12–27.

[5] "Pricing and Operational Recourse in Coproduction Systems," (with Y. Wang), Management Science, March 2008, 54 (3), 522-537.

[4] "On the Value of Mitigation and Contingency Strategies for Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks," Management Science, Featured Article, May 2006, 52 (5), 639–657.

[3] "On the Value of Mix-Flexibility and Dual-Sourcing in Unreliable Newsvendor Networks," (with Y. Wang), Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Winter 2005, 7 (1), 37-57.

[2] "Capacity Investments in Supply Chains: Sharing the Gain Rather Than Sharing the Pain," Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Fall 2003, 5 (4), 317-333.

[1] "Process Flexibility in Supply Chains," (with S.C. Graves), Management Science, July 2003, 49 (7), 907-919.

Invited and Refereed Book Chapters

[4] "Operational Strategies for Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risk," (with Y. Wang), in Handbook of Integrated Risk Management in Global Supply Chains, Kouvelis P., Boyabatli O., Dong L., Li R. (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, 2012, pp. 79-101.

[3] "Sourcing Strategies to Manage Supply Disruptions," (with A.J. Schmitt), in Supply Chain Disruptions: Theory and Practice of Managing Risk, Gurnani H., Mehrotra A., and Ray S. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2012, pp. 51-72.

[2] "How Much Flexibility Does It Take to Mitigate Supply Chain Risks?," (with C.S. Tang), in Supply Chain Risk: A Handbook of Assessment, Management and Performance, Zsidisin, G.A. and B. Ritchie (Eds.), Springer, 2008, pp. 155-174.

[1] "The Role of Inventory in Superior Supply Chain Performance," (with J.J. Neale and S.P. Willems), in The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where Theory and Application Converge, Harrison, T.P., H.L. Lee and J.J. Neale (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, pp. 31-59.


[3] "Managing Supply-Demand Risk in Global Production: Creating Cost Effective Flexible Networks," Business Horizons, July/August 2014, 57 (4), 509-519. 

[2] "How to Avoid the Six Risk Management Pitfalls," (with J.M. Swaminathan), Supply Chain Management Review, July/August 2007, 11 (5) 34-42.

[1] "Managing Risk Helps Make M&As Click," (with J.M. Swaminathan), Financial Times, 2006 (Appeared in October 13, 2006 issue, part of the four-part series “Mastering Transactions”).

Working Papers

[5] "Renting 3D Printers: Pricing and Technical Service Offerings to Customers of Varying Expertise," (with Y. Zhang), 2023

[4] "Credible Communication of Demand Forecasts: The Role of Two-Dimensional Information and Capacity Portfolios," (with T. Lu), 2023

[3] "The Manufacturer's Role in Nanostore-Supermarket Supply Chain Competition," (with J. Ge), 2021.

[2] "Quality Risk and Contract Manufacturing: Theory and Empirical Evidence?," (with J.V. Gray and A.V. Roth). 2016 (latest version; paper dormant).

[1] "On the Value of a Threat Advisory System for Managing Supply Chain Disruptions," (with L.V. Snyder). 2007 (latest version; paper dormant).