Clinical Professor of Business Administration; Faculty Director, Tuck Business Bridge Program
Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Aram Donigian teaches the Negotiations course at Tuck; serves as co-faculty director of the Next Step: Transition to Business program for Veterans and elite athletes; and is faculty director of the Tuck Business Bridge Program.
While serving for 21 years in the U.S. Army as an infantry and public-affairs officer, Donigian deployed three times to Afghanistan. In 2009, he co-founded the West Point Negotiation Project. He is also the co-author of several articles on negotiation within the military context, including Extreme Negotiations, published in the Harvard Business Review.
A passionate and award-winning teacher, Donigian taught Negotiations at West Point, the Air Force Academy, and Tufts University prior to Tuck. Additionally, he works with corporate clients as a senior affiliated trainer with Vantage Partners. He co-hosts a podcast, NEGOTIATEX.
A podcast cohosted by Aram Donigian that offers listeners actionable advice to elevate their influence through purposeful negotiations. Listen.
The professors were recognized for their teaching of Financial Accounting (Robinson) and Negotiations (Donigian). Read.
How can businesses lead diverse organizations, build a healthy work culture, and create equal, collaborative spaces for all? Tuck faculty have some ideas. Read.