Shen, Yixuan Lisa, Ryan Hyon, Thalia Wheatley, Adam M. Kleinbaum, Christopher L. Welker and Carolyn Parkinson (forthcoming). "Neural Similarity Predicts Whether Strangers Become Friends." Nature Human Behaviour (preprint).
Kneeland, Madeline K. and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2025). “Rewiring the Organizational Network: Corporate Offsites and Network Tie Formation.” Strategic Management Journal: 46(1): 209-241 (preprint; video abstract).
Kneeland, Madeline, Heidi K. Gardner and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2024). “Why Offsites Work – and How to Get the Most Out of Them.” Harvard Business Review (preprint).
Zhang, Evelyn, Brandy Aven and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2024). “License to Broker: How Mobility Eliminates Gender Gaps in Network Advantage.” Administrative Science Quarterly 69(2): 227-270 (preprint).
Sievers, Beau, Christopher Welker, Uri Hasson, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Thalia Wheatley (2024). “Consensus-Building Conversation Leads to Neural Alignment.” Nature Communications15(3936) (open access; video abstract).
Chadha, Sareena, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Adrienne Wood (2023). “Social Networks are Shaped by Culturally Contingent Assessments of Social Competence.” Scientific Reports13: 7974 (preprint).
Hyon, Ryan, Robert S. Chavez, John-Andrew H. Chwe, Thalia Wheatley, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Carolyn Parkinson (2022). “White Matter Connectivity in Brain Systems Supporting Social and Affective Processing Predicts Real-World Social Network Characteristics.” Communications Biology, a Nature journal 5(1048): 1-11 (open access).
Honorable Mention for Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, GDO division.
Alt, Nicholas, Carolyn Parkinson, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Kerri L. Johnson. (2021) “The Face of Social Networks: Naïve Observers’ Accurate Assessment of Others’ Social Network Positions from Faces.” Social Psychological and Personality Science (preprint).
Young-Hyman, Trevor and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2020). “Meso-Foundations of Interorganizational Relationships: How Team Member Power Shapes External Partner Novelty.” Organization Science 31(6): 1385-1407 (preprint).
Hyon, Ryan, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Carolyn Parkinson (2020). “Social Network Proximity Predicts Similar Trajectories of Psychological States: Evidence from Multi-Voxel Spatiotemporal Dynamics.” NeuroImage 216(2020): 116492 (open access).
Kovács, Balázs and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2020). “Language-Style Similarity and Social Networks.” Psychological Science 33(2):202-213 (preprint).
Smith, Edward Bishop, Raina Brands, Matthew Brashears and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2020). “Social Networks and Cognition.” Annual Review of Sociology 46:159-174 (preprint).
Parkinson, Carolyn, Thalia Wheatley and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2020). “The Neuroscience of Social Networks.” Chapter 27 in Oxford Handbook of Social Networks, edited by James Moody and Ryan Light. Oxford: Oxford University Press (preprint).
Parkinson, Carolyn, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Thalia Wheatley (2018). “Similar Neural Responses Predict Friendship.” Nature Communications 9(1): 332 (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M. (2018). “Reorganization and Tie Decay Choices.” Management Science 64(5): 2219-2237 (preprint).
Parkinson, Carolyn, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Thalia Wheatley (2017). “Spontaneous Neural Encoding of Social Network Position.” Nature Human Behaviour 1: 72 (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M., Alexander H. Jordan and Pino Audia (2015). “An Alter-Centric Perspective on the Origins of Brokerage in Social Networks: How Perceived Empathy Moderates the Self-Monitoring Effect.” Organization Science, 26(4): 1226-1242 (preprint).
Feiler, Daniel C. and Adam M. Kleinbaum. (2015) “Popularity, Similarity, and the Network Extraversion Bias.” Psychological Science, 26(5): 593-603 (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M. and Toby E. Stuart (2014). “Network Responsiveness: The Social Structural Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities.” Academy of Management Perspectives 28(4): 353-367 (preprint).
Reprinted as Kleinbaum, Adam M., and Toby E. Stuart (2015). “Network Responsiveness: The Social Structural Microfoundations of Dynamic Capabilities” in The Oxford Handbook of Dynamic Capabilities, edited by David J. Teece. New York: Oxford University Press (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M. and Toby E. Stuart (2014). “Inside the Black Box of the Corporate Staff: Social Networks and the Implementation of Corporate Strategy.” Strategic Management Journal 35(1): 24-47 (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M., Toby E. Stuart and Michael L. Tushman (2013). “Discretion Within Constraint: Homophily and Structure in a Formal Organization.” Organization Science 24(5): 1316-1336 (preprint).
“Teams and Networks in Entrepreneurship” with Martin Ruef and Phillip H. Kim. Part of the Kauffman Foundation’s State of the Field initiative (
Kleinbaum, Adam M. (2012). “Organizational Misfits and the Origins of Brokerage in Intra-Firm Networks.” Administrative Science Quarterly 57: 407-452 (preprint).
Quintane, Eric and Adam M. Kleinbaum (2011). “Matter Over Mind? E-mail Data and the Measurement of Social Networks.” Connections31(1): 22-46 (flagship journal of the International Network for Social Network Analysis). (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M. and Michael L. Tushman (2008). “Managing Corporate Social Networks.” Harvard Business Review 86(7-8): 26 (preprint).
Tushman, Michael L., Charles A. O’Reilly, Amy Fenollosa, Adam M. Kleinbaum and Dan McGrath (2007). “Relevance and Rigor: Executive Education as a Lever in Shaping Practice and Research.” Academy of Management Learning & Education 6(3): 345-362 (preprint).
Kleinbaum, Adam M. and Michael L. Tushman (2007). “Building Bridges: The Social Structure of Interdependent Innovation.” Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1(1): 103-122 (preprint).