Emily Blanchard

Associate Professor of Business Administration; Daniel R. Revers T'89 Faculty Fellow


Emily Blanchard is the Daniel R. Revers T'89 Faculty Fellow and Associate Professor at the Tuck School of Business.  She is a leading expert on international economic policy, research fellow with the Center for Economic Policy Research, and a member of the CES-Ifo research network. She served as Chief Economist of the U.S. Department of State from January 2022 - November 2023.

Professor Blanchard's research lies at the intersection of international economics and public policy.  Her work explores how foreign investment and global value chains are changing the role of trade and international economic cooperation in the 21st century, and how globalization and education shape policy outcomes and the distribution of income within and across countries.  Blanchard’s research is widely published in leading academic journals, and she has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of International Economics, Review of World Economics, Economics and Politics, and the World Trade Review.  Beyond academia, she has partnered with leading national and international institutions to bring research to practice.  She is also former Chair and a Founding Board member for the national non-partisan, non-profit (501(c)(3)) National Economic Education Delegation.

An award-winning teacher, Blanchard offers the core course Global Economics for Managers, a research to practice seminar on firms and international economic policy, and the elective course Cooperation and Competition in the 21st century Global Economy.  She has co-led experiential courses on regional economic development in Mississippi and economic and political change in Vietnam.  Prior to joining the Tuck faculty, she served as an assistant professor of economics at the University of Virginia. She graduated with honors in economics from Wellesley College and earned MSc. and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Recent Highlights

A Sanctions Guidebook for Policymakers  //

In this May 2024 Brookings Paper, Blanchard outlines a cautious, methodical approach for designing sanctions and export controls. 

[Updated December 2023] Global Value Chains and Trade Policy  //

Blanchard, Bown, and Johnson find that global value chain linkages reduced tariff barriers between 1995 and 2015.    Read the working paper here. 

[Updated January 2024] Did Trump's Trade War Impact the 2018 Election?  //

Blanchard, Bown, and Chor find that Republican candidates lost electoral support in the 2018 Congressional elections as a result of the trade war.  Read the paper here, or a short VOX EU summary here

Policy Imperatives and New Frontiers in International Economic Research  //

Writing from a policymaker's vantage point in 2022, Blanchard highlights key research areas that warrant greater attention from 21st century international economists. Read more here

Education and Health As Industrial Policy  //

In this invited opinion piece for the WTO's 2020 World Trade Report, Blanchard argues that public expenditures to support health and education are critical-but-often-overlooked mechanisms to support industrial development and economic growth.   







  • PhD, MSc. Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • AB with honors in economics, Wellesley College

Academic Coordinator

Rick Rielly
