Research & Publications


  • Norms in Organizations, Palgrave Encyclopedia of Strategic Management, MacMillan, 2014.
  • The Next Generation: Technology Adoption and Integration through Internal Competition in New Product Development, Organization Science, 2011. Selected as notable paper accepted by Organization Science for 2011 and presented at “State of the Art” Organization Science panel at the 2009 INFORMS conference.
  • Organizational Linkages for Surviving Technological Change: Complementary Assets, Middle Management, and Ambidexterity, with C. Helfat, Organization Science, 2009.
  • Identification of Technological Discontinuities Across Industries and Time Periods: Expected Versus Unexpected Change, with M. Campo-Rembado, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, 2009.
  • The Push and Pull of Technological Resources: When do scientist entrepreneurs start new ventures, with M. Campo-Rembado. Best Paper Proceedings 2007 Academy of Management – Organization and Management Theory Division.
  • Relative Technological Discontinuities: Insights from the Identification of Innovation Regime Shifts, with M. Campo-Rembado. Best Paper Proceedings 2007 Academy of Management – Technology and Innovation Management Division.
  • Superman or the Fantastic Four: Knowledge combination and experience in innovative teams, with H. Greve, 2006, Academy of Management Journal. Runner-up for best paper of the year by the Academy of Management Journal.
  • Innovations as Catalysts for Organizational Change: Shifts in Organizational Cognition and Search, with H. Greve, 2000, Administrative Science Quarterly.
  • The Wireless Communications Industry: After AT&T-McCaw, with R. A. Burgelman  and A. S. Grove, 1998, in R. A. Burgelman and M. Maidique (eds.), Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, Irwin Publishing.
  • Telecommunications Industry, with R. A. Burgelman, and A. S. Grove, 1998 in R. A. Burgelman and M. Maidique (eds.), Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation, Irwin Publishing.


  • (Mis)Learning from Infrequent Events: Innovating Under Technological Change, with C. Stadler. 2nd revise and resubmit at Academy of Management Journal.
  • Managerial Oversight and Innovation: Workgroup Learning in Knowledge Environments, with V. Foster-Johnson, submitted to Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
  • Learning from Direct and Vicarious Feedback: Crowdsourcing Funding Success, with J. Selby.
  • The Impact of Feedback on Entrepreneurial Success: Kickstarter Project Performance, with J. Selby.
  • When Do Technology Entrepreneurs Start New Ventures? Knowledge Heterogeneity and Detection of Technological Discontinuities, with M. Campo-Rembado.
  • The Temporal Nature of Experience: The Impact of the Timing of Learning on Innovation, with H. Greve.
  • The Longevity of Creative Stars:  Videogame Developer Performance Across Differing Contexts, with C. Stadler.
  • Managerial Risk as Exposure: A New Perspective in Understanding Innovation and Strategic Change in Organizations.
  • The Competitive Birth of Modern Modularity: The Springfield Armory and the Development of Interchangeable Parts.

Teaching Cases

  • Legendary Entertainment: Film Making in the Age of Analytics, 2015. The case describes the use of analytics for marketing and film development by an independent film company. It raises issues of how analytics impacts corporate strategy, innovation strategy, and the challenges of adopting new technology.
  • Stranger in a Strange Land:  Managing an Innovation Turnaround in Asia, 2013. The case chronicles the turnaround efforts of an American technology manager charged with improving the performance of a polymer company based in Singapore.
  • Lenovo: Strategic Change Amidst Downturns and Uncertainty, 2012. The case describes the challenges of the Chinese multinational Lenovo after acquiring the laptop business from IBM, and how a key competitive edge was its local knowledge of the diverse Asian market.  Focuses on supply and sourcing issues due to unpredictability of forecasts.
  • Vertica, with Andrew Palmer, 2010. The case examines the strategic decisions that Vertica made in its entrepreneurial growth from a startup. Focuses on early market decisions, technology product decisions, adjustments in their product specifications, and final acquisition decision.
  • GuideStar (A), (B), & (C) , with Buzz Schmidt, 2010. The three mini-cases trace the big strategic shifts faced by GuideStar over the course of its growth. The three mini-cases describe the early funding decisions (A); to international expansion (B); and their merger decision (C).
  • NBC and New Media, with Fiona Charlton, 2009.  The case examines NBC Network’s online strategies, and the business model options for the company. Compares NBC’s approaches to that of CBS, Disney, and ESPN.
  • Hulu, with Rama Organiti.  2009. The case examines the collaborative venture of television networks to provide online streaming of television and movie content.  Explores strategy making in fast changing and complex ecosystems.
  • Nolej Studios -  Growing A Creativity Based Business, with Ashley Martin. 2008. This case explores the strategic growth challenges for creativity-based businesses through the lens of a start-up boutique interactive advertising agency called Nolej Studios.
  • The Big Idea Group – Bringing Open Innovation to the Mainstream, 2007. The case examines the attempt of an open innovation consulting and incubator firm to transition the open innovation business model to other business areas such as product design and market research.
  • Consulting Group Corp:  The Power (and Pain) of Alliances, with Doug Tuttle. 2006. The case chronicles the efforts of a global consulting firm to develop a strategy for alliances and sourcing in order to stay at the forefront of technology solutions. 
  • The Business of Baseball --, 2005.  The case describes Major League Baseball’s development and strategy of providing online content through 
  • John Deere - ePowered into the Future, with Krystal Williams, 2004. From the perspective of a middle manager, the case describes John Deere & Company’s strategy and new product decisions around entry into electric and hybrid vehicle technologies.
  • – Scaling a Knowledge-Based Business, 2002. An investigation of the attempts of an on-line community management firm to scale its business.  Examines the challenges faced by a growing company to acquire customers, while also attempting to adjust its business model and manage strategic partnerships.
  •, with Phil Anderson, Lloyd Baskin. 2001. An examination of the recruiting solutions company’s search for a partner, primarily to leverage other firms' resources, including established sales forces and connections with employers as a strategic response to the Monster/Jobtrak merger.
  • Note on First Mover Advantage, with Phil Anderson, 2001. This teaching note introduced students to the concepts of first mover advantage, and outlined the various arguments and contingencies for early versus late entry into a technological market.
  • Note on Intellectual Property Protection, with Phil Anderson, 2000. This note provided students with a summary background on formal intellectual property protection, as well as prevalent firm strategies for constructing and intellectual property protection strategy.

Conference Papers and Presentations

  • Tuck School of Business, Tuck Takes Thought Leadership Presentation, Design Thinking: Future or Fad, 2015.
  • National University of Singapore, Entrepreneurship Conference, Innovating in all the Wrong Places: Indirect and Complementary Capabilities. 2013
  • University of Edinburgh, Organizations Conference, Innovating in all the Wrong Places: Indirect and Complementary Capabilities, with C. Stadler. 2012
  • University of Wurtzburg, The Future of Business Administration as a Science, Innovating Within and Across Technological Generations:  Learning and Linking, with Christian Stadler
  • Warwick College, 2011, Invited talk, Innovating Within and Across Technological Generations: Learning and Linking, with Christian Stadler.
  • INFORMS Conference, 2009, Invited talk featuring state of the art papers accepted by Organization Science in 2008, Next Generation:  Technology Adoption and Integration in New Product Development.
  • Harvard Business School,  Organizational Behavior Seminar, Organizational Linking Mechanisms for Surviving Technological Change, 2008, with Constance Helfat.
  • Academy of Management, 2008, Invited Symposium on Industry Architecture and Organizational Change, Organizational Linking Mechanisms Technological Change, with Constance Helfat.
  • University of Wisconsin, INCITE Entrepreneurial Seminar Series, 2008.  The Push and Pull of Technological Resources:  When do scientist entrepreneurs start new ventures, with M. Campo-Rembado. 
  • West Coast Research Symposium (WCRS) on Technology Entrepreneurship, 2007.  Capabilities and Technological Change: The Role of Science¬Based Versus Business¬Based Entrepreneurs In New Venture Formation, with M. Campo-Rembado.
  • Panel on Competitive Dynamics over the Technology Life cycle, Informs, 2007.  Relative Technological Discontinuities: Insights from the Identification of Innovation Regime Shifts, with M.Campo-Rembado.
  • Innovation and the Quality of Experience:  The Role of Early Mentoring and Success or Innovation and Performance.  Paul Merage School of Business. UC Irvine, 2007.
  • Strategic Management Society, 2007. Capabilities and Technological Change: The Role of Science¬Based Versus Business¬Based Entrepreneurs In New Venture Formation, with M. Campo-Rembado.
  • Atlanta Competitive Advantage Conference, 2007. Capabilities and Technological Change: The Role of Science¬Based Versus Business¬Based Entrepreneurs In New Venture Formation, with M. Campo-Rembado.
  • Strategic Renewal Conference – Organization Science, The Next Generation: A Competitive Learning Model of Technology Adoption and Integration, 2007.
  • Academy of Management Meetings, Strategic Use of Knowledge, with Sai Yayavaram, Atlanta, 2006.
  • Academy of Management Meetings, Linking Mechanisms:  Organizational Capabilities for Surviving Technological Change, with Constance Helfat, Atlanta, 2006.
  • Organization Science Winter Conference in honor of James March, How You Work Matters:  Work Context, Knowledge Use, and Innovation, with Lynn Foster-Johnson, 2005.
  • Organization Science Technology and Management Conference, Knowledge Use, Management Influence and Innovation, with Lynn Foster-Johnson, November, 2005.
  • Fuqua School of Business Seminar Series, Genius or Regularity, Innovation from Combining Knowledge Domains, with Henrich Greve, 2004.
  • Cornell University, Seminar Series, Innovation from Layered Selection Environment, Johnson Graduate School of Management, 2004.
  • Wharton Technology Conference, Competitive Learning in New Product Development Efforts, 2003.
  • Strategic Implications of Competition in New Product Development, Harvard Business School seminar series, 2002.
  • Catabolic Learning from New Product Development Efforts, INFORMS meetings, Miami, FL, 2001.
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship and Social Capital, 6th Annual Organization Science Winter Conference, Keystone, CO February 2000.
  • Innovation as Conflicts of Appropriateness and Opportunity, Presentation at the Workshop on Institutions, Conflict, and Change, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, December 1999.
  • Henrich Greve and Alva H. Taylor, Innovation as a Catalyst for Organizational Change, Academy of Management Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, August 1999.  
  • New Product Innovation: A Response to Layered Selection Environments. Strategy Seminar, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, March 1997.