In the Media

Mentions & Appearances

Sorry Not Sorry: Why CEOs Need To Apologize More

Jun 26, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein says, “Apologizing means you’re admitting you’ve done something wrong. It’s difficult for CEOs or any manager. ... even though it’s the right thing to do.”
View at Huffington Post

Cisco's John Chambers has some dire predictions

Jun 10, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein notes, "You can't hope that what you did last week or last year is going to work. You have to be willing to throw out everything and start over."
View at CBS News

URUGUAY: Con la lupa en los ejecutivos

Jun 04, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein discusses the characteristics of an effective CEO.
View at Entorno Inteligente

The trouble with being too confident

May 28, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein says that self-confidence run amok leads to mistakes and missed opportunities.
View at BBC

Seven pitfalls CEOs must watch out for

May 22, 2015 // In this opinion piece, Sydney Finkelstein points out seven pitfalls that effective CEOs must watch out for.
View at The Economic Times

The Other “F” Word: An Interview with John Danner

May 20, 2015 // References Sydney Finkelstein's work around business failure.
View at Strategy+Business

This Is What It Means to Embrace Failure

May 18, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein encourages entrepreneurs to put failure aside and get back in the game.
View at Entrepreneur

How we wrongly convince ourselves we’re right

Apr 23, 2015 // Not all data are created equally, and it turns out that people are very good at deciding which bits of information are better than other bits.
View at BBC

Religious Freedom Debate Draws Out Companies

Apr 02, 2015 // “You’ve got to be seen to be standing up to something that presumably a substantial percentage of your workforce would find offensive.”
View at Wall Street Journal

Indiana Lawmakers Move to Clarify Religious-Objections Law

Apr 01, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein comments on how company chiefs historically have handled controversial issues.
View at Wall Street Journal

Employees Without Benefits

Mar 26, 2015 // Uber’s been killing it, but what would happen if all those drivers band together to demand more?
View at BBC

The secret of thinking small to win big

Feb 26, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein says there is a big payoff for companies that embrace the logic of simplicity.
View at BBC

Why is simplicity so complicated?

Feb 12, 2015 // In his Syd Weighs In column, Sydney Finkelstein writes that sometimes less is actually more.
View at BBC

As Regulators Focus on Culture, Wall Street Struggles to Define It

Feb 02, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein comments on the difficulty of measuring and regulating the culture of banks.
View at The Wall Street Journal

This Might Be the Toughest Year Yet for CEOs

Jan 28, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein says many CEO errors arise from arrogance and complacency.
View at Fast Company

The best CEOs of 2014

Jan 15, 2015 // Sydney Finkelstein discusses the best CEOs of 2014.
View at BBC

There's a case for companies putting more women on boards, but it's not profits

Jan 14, 2015 // "Any time someone says you can trace the specific actions of a board of directors to the bottom line of a company, it's highly unlikely except in indirect ways," says Sydney Finkelstein.
View at Vox