Principles of Sequencing and Scheduling

By Ken Baker and Dan Trietsch

This textbook provides an introduction to the concepts, methods, and results of scheduling theory. It is written for graduate students and advanced undergraduates who are studying scheduling, as well as for practitioners who are interested in the knowledge base on which modern scheduling applications have been built.

Our coverage is substantial compared to other scheduling textbooks, but it is not encyclopedic. Our goal is to enable the reader to delve into the research literature (or in some cases, the consulting literature) with enough background to appreciate the contributions made by state-of-the-art papers. For the reader who wants a more comprehensive link to the research literature than our text provides, we offer a set of Research Notes at this website.

We view scheduling theory as practical theory, and we have made sure to emphasize the practical aspects of our topic coverage. Thus, we provide algorithms that implement some of the solution concepts, and we introduce spreadsheet models to calculate solutions to scheduling problems. Especially when tackling stochastic scheduling problems, we must balance realism with tractability. Thus, we stress heuristics and simulation-based approaches when optimization methods and analytic tools fall short. We also provide many examples in the text along with computational exercises among our end-of-chapter problems.

About the Authors

Kenneth R. Baker  //

Kenneth R. Baker, PhD, is the Nathaniel D’1906 & Martha E. Leverone Memorial Professor of Management at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. A Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), Dr. Baker has published extensively in his areas of research interest, which include mathematical modeling, spreadsheet engineering, and scheduling. He is the coauthor of Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, Second Edition, also published by Wiley.

Dan Trietsch  //

Dan Trietsch, PhD, is Professor of Industrial Engineering at the American University of Armenia. He has authored over thirty journal articles on topics such as network design, statistical quality control, and various aspects of scheduling.



Ken Baker
Tuck School of Business
Hanover, NH 03755, USA



Dan Trietsch


Susanne Steitz-Filler
John Wiley & Sons
111 River St.
Mail Stop 8-01
Hoboken, NJ 07030

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Second Edition

For updated research notes and text examples, please visit the second edition website