In the Media

Slaughter Sees Evidence of Slower Global Economic Growth

Dec 18, 2018 // As a guest on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas,” Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses a wide range of topics, including the outlook for markets, global economic growth, U.S.-China relations, and how companies are assessing talent.
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The Fed’s Role in Consumer Confidence

Nov 29, 2018 // Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about the Fed’s role when it comes to consumer spending and confidence. Slaughter says the Fed is in a tough position when choosing whether to raise or lower interest rates, and that economic surprises can make policy-making harder.
View at Marketplace

Compete with China by Investing in Ourselves

Nov 13, 2018 // Mentions a recent Foreign Affairs essay by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and Kenneth F. Scheve in an article compiling expert opinions on how the United States should address its global trade issues, particularly those with China.
View at National Review

Chinese Students Help America Innovate

Nov 12, 2018 // Foreign-born students won’t stop being innovators if the U.S. decides to keep them out. They will stop being innovators in America.
View at The Wall Street Journal

How to Save Globalization

Nov 01, 2018 // Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and coauthor Kenneth F. Scheve write that, in order to reduce the backlash against globalization that has grown in recent years, the United States needs to make serious investments in its human capital.
View at Foreign Affairs

Tuck School of Business Restructures Administration

Oct 23, 2018 // “I think there are way too many colleges and universities in the world that think about the great research and scholarship that faculty do as being somehow in opposition to the time they spend in the classroom,” Dean Matthew J. Slaughter says in an article about Tuck’s recent restructuring of the dean’s office.
View at The Dartmouth

Is the USMCA, the Trade Deal that Will Replace NAFTA, a 'Historic Transaction'? No.

Oct 01, 2018 // Mentions an article in The Wall Street Journal written by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about USMCA, the new trade agreement that will replace NAFTA. I
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Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas Full Show 10/1/2018

Oct 01, 2018 // As a guest on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas," Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses a wide range of topics including the new USMCA trade deal, the United States’ trade relations with China, Brexit, and Elon Musk’s recent clash with the SEC.
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U.S.-China Trade War — and Haunting Lessons from the Past

Sep 17, 2018 // A roundup of research and commentary regarding the current state of U.S.-China trade relations highlights the latest edition of the Slaughter-Rees Report written by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter and Matthew Rees, senior fellow at the Center for Business, Government & Society.
View at The Financial Times

The Supreme Court Nominee; Tariffs, Trade & the N.H. Economy

Jul 10, 2018 // Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses new trade policies, including tariffs, and their impact on the economy of New Hampshire and the United States as a whole on New Hampshire Public Radio’s “The Exchange.”
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How Trump's Economic Policies Are Hurting the People He Promised to Protect

Jul 05, 2018 // Continued coverage regarding how recently proposed policies by President Trump could have adverse effects on certain industries, like farming.
View at The Independent

Cree Girds for LED Tariffs It Says Will Sting

Jul 04, 2018 // Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article about the impact new tariffs on China will have on smaller U.S. businesses, such as Cree, a North Carolina-based maker of lighting products.
View at The Wall Street Journal

How Trump’s Policy Decisions Undermine the Industries He Pledged to Help

Jul 04, 2018 // Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article about how recently proposed policies could have adverse effects on industries such as farming, automotive, and energy.
View at The New York Times

As Trade Barriers Go Up, Global Supply Chains Unravel

Jun 27, 2018 // Cites research by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article about the impact global trade uncertainty has on supply chains.
View at The Wall Street Journal

To Trump, Harley’s Tariff Decision Is a Personal — and Unexpected — Betrayal

Jun 26, 2018 // Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article about Harley-Davidson’s decision to move a portion of production outside the United States.
View at The Washington Post

NAFTA Is Critical to a Key Trump-Voting State

May 11, 2018 // References an article in The Wall Street Journal written by Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in a piece about the importance of NAFTA to Pennsylvania.
View at The Hill

“The Call to Lead” Capital Campaign Will Fundraise for Guarini, Geisel, Thayer and Tuck

May 08, 2018 // An article about the Dartmouth and Tuck capital campaigns quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter. Slaughter says the three priorities of The Tuck Difference—people, programs, and places—played an integral role in setting the campaign’s goal.
View at The Dartmouth

Trade Rhetoric Is Already Hurting America

May 07, 2018 // Dean Matthew J. Slaughter explains that the United States is incurring economic damage by raising uncertainty about future economic policy and eroding its authority in international policy making.
View at Foreign Affairs

“Take the Right Risks”

Apr 30, 2018 // In an interview with Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, Dean Matthew J. Slaughter discusses what distinguishes Tuck from other top business schools. succeed.”
View at Dartmouth Alumni Magazine

Tuck Announces $250 Million Capital Campaign for Tomorrow’s Wise Leaders

Apr 28, 2018 // Quotes Dean Matthew J. Slaughter in an article outlining the goals and priorities of The Tuck Difference: The Campaign for Tomorrow’s Wise Leaders.
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