Katharina Lewellen
Professor of Finance
Professor of Finance
Katharina Lewellen is Professor of Finance at the Tuck School. She has been at Tuck since 2005. Before coming to Tuck she held a faculty position at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. Professor Lewellen received a PhD from the University of Rochester and a doctorate from the University of Zurich. Earlier, she worked as an economist at the Swiss National Bank.
Professor Lewellen’s expertise is in corporate finance, corporate governance, and healthcare finance. She studies various aspects of corporate financing and investment decisions, such as managerial incentives, taxes, and financing constraints. In her recent work, she investigates the role of large financial institutions in the governance of the firms they own. Her other current projects focus on governance, investment, and financing of nonprofit hospitals. Lewellen has received several honors and awards, including The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant, The Nasdaq Stock Market Educational Foundation award and the Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship.
Katharina Lewellen was honored for co-authoring a paper examining the impact of CEO pay on long-term company investment. Learn more
The study has implications for the current debate over executive compensation and long-term investment strategies of firms. Learn more
Research by Katharina Lewellen shows that incentives for CEOs are not working perfectly. Read the article in the Economist
Professor Lewellen shows how the vesting of CEO equity brings a focus on short term results. Read the article
Post by Dirk Jenter and Katharina Lewellen on the Harvard Law School Forum for Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation. Learn more