Research & Publications



  • With Ramon Lecuona Torras. “The Expertise of the Strategist” (under development).
  • With Constance Helfat and Luigi Marengo. “Shaping, Searching, and Endogenous Selection: The Quest for Superior Performance” (prepared for the special issue of Strategy Science on “Evolutionary Approaches to Strategy”).
  • With Massimo Warglien. “Recognizing the New: A Multi-Agent Model of Analogy in Strategic Decision-Making.” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series, No. 08-028, October 2007.
  • “Evolutionary Theory Revisited: Cognition, Hierarchy, and Capabilities.” Harvard Business School Working Paper Series, No 04-028, October 2003.


  • With Ramon Lecuona Torras: “The Expertise of the Strategist.”
  • With Sebastiano Massaro: “Expertise and Creativity in Strategy.”
  • With Joe Porac: “On the Origin of Great Strategies: A Theoretical Framework.” Guest Co-Editor of the Special issue on Uncertainty, Academy of Management Review (expected publication 2019)


  • “Microfoundations: A Historical Perspective." The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2013.
  • “Attention and Organizations.” Academy of Management Meetings, Boston, August 2012.
  • “Microfoundations II.” The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2012.
  • “Microfoundations I.” The Wharton School of Business, Emerging Scholars Workshop, June 2012.
  • “A Model of Collective Interpretation.” The Wharton School of Business, February 2012.
  • “A Model of Collective Interpretation.” Tuck School of Business, January 2012.
  • “A Model of Collective Interpretation.” London Business School, January 2012.
  • “The Psychology of Strategic Leadership.” Horizon Series, Association of Management Consulting Firms, New York, September 2011.
  • “Is There a Future for Neuro-Strategy?” Academy of Management Meetings, San Antonio, Texas, 2011.
  • “Representations and Strategy, “ Strategic Management Society, Venice, September 2010.
  • “Representations and Strategy,” Academy of Management, Montreal, August 2010.
  • “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” University of Chicago, Chicago, May 2010.
  • “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Harvard Business School, Annual Research Symposium, May 2009.
  • “A Behavioral Approach to Strategy,” Medici Summer School, Florence, July 2009.
  • “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” BYU Strategy Research, March 2009.
  • “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Israel Strategy Research, Tel Aviv, December 2008.
  • “A Behavioral Approach to Strategy,” IRI Summer School, Volterra, July 2008.
  • “Toward a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” IRI Summer School, Volterra, July 2008.
  • “From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Washington University, March 2008.
  • “From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” Dartmouth College, March 2008.
  • “From Markets to Neurons: Microfoundational Footnotes to a Behavioral Theory of Strategy,” DRUID, Copenhagen, June 2008.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy and Microfoundational Issues,” Copenhagen School of Business, Copenhagen, December 2006.
  • “Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities’ Development: Implications for the Architecture of Search,” Academy of Management Meetings, Atlanta, August, 2006.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, May 2006.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Kellogg, Northwestern University, Evanston, December 2005.
  • “Rethinking the Microfoundations of Capabilities’ Development: A Research Agenda,” Informs Conference, San Francisco, October 2005.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Academy of Management Meetings, Honolulu, August 2005.
  • “Thinking About the Frontiers of the Strategy Field: A Personal Journey,” Academy of Management Meetings, Honolulu, August 2005.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy,” Panel on the Origin of Strategy (panel organizer), Organization Science Winter Conference, Steamboat Springs, February 2005.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Harvard Business School, Organizational Behavior seminar series, Boston, October 2004.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy,” (Invited talk) Workshop on Organizational Forms and Functions, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, September 2004.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” London Business School, London, May 2004.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” The Wharton School, Philadelphia, May 2004.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Harvard Business School, Boston, May 2004.
  • “On the Origin of Strategy: Action and Cognition over Time,” Boston University, Boston, May 2004.
  • “Strategy-Making in Novel and Complex Worlds: The Power of Analogy,” (Invited talk), Brigham Young University Strategy Conference, Park City, March 2004.
  • “Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” Fuqua School of Business, Duke University, Durham, November 2003.
  • “Strategy-Making in Novel and Complex Worlds: The Power of Analogy,” MIT Sloan of Management, Cambridge, MA, November 2003.
  • “Beyond Routines: Cognition, Case-Based Reasoning, and Strategy,” (Invited talk) Conference in honor of Sidney Winter, The Wharton School, Philadelphia, October 2003.
  • “Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” AiSM/INSEAD Strategy Process Workshop, Fontainebleau, August 2003.
  • “Complexity, Cognition, and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategy,” Academy of Management Meeting, Seattle, August 2003.
  • “Analogy in the Origin of Strategy,” Workshop on Cognition and Capabilities, Harvard Business School, Boston, September 2002.
  • “Complexity, Cognition and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategies,” Strategy Research Forum Meeting, Solomon Island, May 2002.
  • “Complexity, Cognition and Adaptation: Toward a Grounded Theory of the Origin of Strategies,” Academy of Management Meeting, Denver, August 2002.
  • “Cognition, Capabilities and Corporate Strategy Making,” Academy of Management Meeting, Washington, August 2001.
  • “Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search,” presented in the showcase symposium on “Search and Creation of Organizational Capabilities: the Evolution of Tacit, Articulated and Codified Knowledge,” Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, August 1999.
  • “Cognition and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations,” EGOS Conference, Warwick, July 1999.
  • “Cognition and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Organizations,” Annual CCC Consortium, New York, March 1999.
  • “Looking Forward and Looking Backward: Cognitive and Experiential Search,” Strategic Management Society Conference, Orlando, October 1999