In the Media

Chinese Businesses Target Vietnam and Mexico as Trade Tensions with US Rise

Jun 03, 2024 // Quotes Davin Chor on trade tensions between China and the U.S. “Direct importing [from China] may be down. But one only has to look at indirect routes through which the U.S. continues to be plugged into Chinese supply chains,” he says. Related coverage on Asia Sentinel.
View at Financial Times

US Should Reform Existing China Tariffs to Target Technology Transfers, Congressional Panel Hears

May 24, 2024 // Quotes David Chor in an article about the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission in Washington. Chor states, “[It is time to reconsider] which products exactly we care the most about because they are precisely the most strategic.”
View at South China Morning Post

Mexican Wave of Nearshoring Firms Is All at Sea

Mar 20, 2024 // Highlights research by Davin Chor and coauthor Laura Alfaro examining global supply chains and their links to China.
View at Reuters

The Trends That Will Define the Global Economy in 2024

Jan 26, 2024 // Features Emily Blanchard and Davin Chor in an article collecting expert opinions about trends that will define the global economy this year. Blanchard says many business leaders will put emphasize contingency planning. “Savvy leaders will be waiting, watching closely, and putting in place not only Plan B, but Plans C,
View at ProMarket

The Rise and Fall of the World’s Most Successful Joint Venture

Nov 14, 2023 // An article exploring the economic relationship between the U.S. and China highlights research coauthored by Davin Chor examining the United States’ reliance on China-linked supply chains.
View at The New York Times

China Loses U.S. Market Share

Nov 08, 2023 // Mentions research coauthored by Davin Chor examining the trade relationship between the U.S. and China, as well as the United States’ reliance on China-linked supply chains.
View at The New York Times

Globalization Woes Create New Winners and Losers

Oct 17, 2023 // Highlights research coauthored by Davin Chor examining the trade relationship between the U.S. and China, as well as the United States’ reliance on China-linked supply chains.
View at Reuters

Globalization’s Demise Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Oct 10, 2023 // Highlights research by Davin Chor examining how recent policies enacted by the U.S. government have shifted the trade relationship between the U.S. and China, as well as the United States’ reliance on China-linked supply chains.
View at Bloomberg

A Perspective on the Great Reallocation of Global Supply Chains

Sep 28, 2023 // Davin Chor coauthors a piece examining the evolution of global supply chain patterns centered around the U.S. over the last four decades.
View at VoxEU

Who Pays for the Tariffs and Why - The Asymmetric Tariff Pass-through between China and the U.S.

Jul 07, 2023 // An article examining the U.S.-China trade war highlights research by Davin Chor, Emily Blanchard, and coauthor Chad Brown exploring the trade war’s political impact.
View at VoxEU

Who Won the U.S.-China Trade War?

May 20, 2022 // Quotes Davin Chor in an article examining who won the trade war between the United States and China. Chor says settling the debate is not an easy matter. “We’ll be talking about this in 25 years’ time and 50 years’ time.”
View at The Wall Street Journal

B-Schools Predict What 2020 Has in Store

Dec 23, 2019 // “Trade policy and tariffs are going to have a bigger impact on how American voters cast their ballots in the November 2020 elections than they did on the results of the 2018 midterms,” says Davin Chor in an article collecting predictions for the New Year from top business school professors.
View at Poets & Quants

U.S. and Chinese Trade Negotiators Planning for Delay of December Tariffs

Dec 10, 2019 // An article about ongoing trade talks between the U.S. and China highlights a study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown examining how trade turmoil impacted the 2018 midterm elections. The study estimates that Republicans lost as many as five Congressional elections due to the trade war.
View at The Wall Street Journal

Singapore's Free Trade Agreements: Making Pacts—and the Making of a Sound Economy

Dec 08, 2019 // “The joint economic and diplomatic gains arising from FTAs inject greater vitality in the global economy and help to counter the tide of protectionism,” says Davin Chor in an article about how free trade agreements impact Singapore.
View at The Straits Times

Report: Trade, Health Care Cost GOP Seats in 2018 Midterms

Nov 27, 2019 // Continued coverage of a new study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown examining how the trade war impacted the 2018 midterm elections. Similar coverage on Politico.
View at U.S. News & World Report

Investors Should Worry Less about the Trade War and More about China’s Economy

Nov 15, 2019 // Highlights a new study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown examining the trade war’s impact on the 2018 midterm elections. The paper finds that Republican candidates lost support in areas affected by trade retaliation, while gaining little support in areas that benefited from protective tariffs.
View at Barron's

It’s Not Just Farmers—U.S. Exports May Never Recover from the Trade War

Nov 15, 2019 // Highlights a recent study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown examining the trade war’s impact on the 2018 midterm elections.
View at Bloomberg

Donald Trump’s General Election Lesson for Boris Johnson: Trade Wars Lose Voters

Nov 13, 2019 // Continued coverage of a new study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown exploring the trade war’s impact on the 2018 midterm elections. The study estimates that Republicans lost five congressional seats due to trade turmoil.
View at The Telegraph

Trump Makes No Promises on China Trade Deal

Nov 12, 2019 // Highlights a new study by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthor Chad Bown examining the trade war’s impact on the 2018 midterm elections.
View at NPR

Trade Progress, a Price on Good Health, Investors Really Like the U.S. Economy

Nov 05, 2019 // A roundup of the latest economy news highlights a paper by Emily Blanchard, Davin Chor, and coauthors exploring the trade war’s impact on the 2018 election.
View at The Wall Street Journal